NaTasha Cameron Exclusive Interview – ‘Be intentional about everything you are attached to’
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NaTasha Cameron was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. NaTasha.

NaTasha Cameron As Cover Story Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online March 2023 Edition

How do you introduce yourself?

NaTasha Cameron: My name is NaTasha Cameron and I’m a MOMpreneur which simply means I’m a mom and wife first, but I also operate several businesses, a non-profit, I’m a published author, I serve on my local Chamber of Commerce and as the Chairwoman for Rockdale County High School Council.

As a serial entrepreneur, I have been in the property management field since 2000 and opened my own company in 2012, celebrating 10 years in business in 2022, as the ONLY black woman owned GDOT approved vendor in the Atlanta metropolitan area that services HOA’s, condos, commercial buildings, Parks & Recreation and Georgia Department of Transportation.

Additionally, I am the owner of AD Beauty & Hair, where we focus on beauty supply vending machine placement at colleges, rest stops, business offices, malls and more!

How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?

NaTasha Cameron: My transition from childhood into adulthood happened quickly. I was a teenage mom at 18 and shortly after a single mom, so I had to become an adult almost over night. Working multiple jobs to make ends meet and to take care of my son was probably the most challenging, but by Gods grace and the support of my mother and my son’s grandmother we made it thru.

Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?

NaTasha Cameron: One of my biggest hardships was being a teenage single mother while trying to go to school and build a career. Like many young single moms, this left me having to leave my son with family or babysitters, so I could provide for us. In hindsight, I know that I did the best that I could with the resources and support that I had but it was still challenging not being as present as I would have liked to for my son.

What do people usually not know about you?

NaTasha Cameron: Many people do not know that I initially started a career path in Criminal Justice and wanted to be a youth probation officer. However, a summer job with one of the biggest property management companies on the east coast changed the trajectory of my life.

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?

NaTasha Cameron: Community Association Management is a competitive industry. I understand that there are other companies that offer services similar to mine, but no one does anything like me, so my motto is always me vs. me. I don’t get caught up in what the next person is doing. Additionally, the main thing that helps my company stand out is that we focus on educating our clients and homeowners because and educated community is a undivided community.

What are your upcoming major events?

NaTasha Cameron: Since really zeroing in on my purpose and becoming intentional about the time I was putting into my property management company so many great moments have happened. In May 2022,  I was closing on my first government contract that was six figures for 90 days, by July 2022 I became a 2.75 million dollar approve GDOT certified vendor and the only black woman owned community association management with a focus on vegetation and facilities maintenance, by September my staff and I were celebrating 10 years in business and moving into our new office space, by December we had been awarded Rockdale/Newton Best of the Best 2022 and by February 2023 we were nominated Best of Georgia by Atlanta Business Journal so be sure to vote for us here –

What expert advice would you like to give?

NaTasha Cameron: I leave you with this advice – be intentional about everything you are attached to – what you speak, what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, who gets to experience you personally and professionally because some friends and family are not meant to go to the next level with you just like every business opportunity or client may not be for you. Not everyone that started with you is supposed to finish with you! Sometimes you have to be in that long dark tunnel with no sign of a light with only GOD…this creates your character, so don’t be afraid to do this without an audience.

What are your social media and other links?

NaTasha Cameron: You can stay connected with me on social media at @IAmNaTashaCameron or you can visit my website