Chantelle A. Campbell was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.
Chantelle A. Campbell As Exclusive Cover Story – July 2023
How do you introduce yourself?
Chantelle A. Campbell: I am Chantelle. A Campbell, a forward-thinking Professor, and innovative legal professional. I am the proud founder of RentLaw, where I uniquely merge my empathy for people with my expertise in law, providing outstanding litigation, mediation, seminars, and public speaking events. As a passionate advocate for youth education, I have established the Young Achievement Scholarship in collaboration with the Pureaide charity. Our mission is to assist individuals under 30 in accessing legal education, and at the same time, promote community service within the legal sector. Outside of my professional life, I am a vibrant and dynamic person. I have a deep love for Soca, dancehall, and Afro beats. Traveling is one of my passions and my recent favorite destinations have been Marrakesh, Morocco, and Taboga Island, Panama. Yoga, dance, and embracing new experiences form a crucial part of my lifestyle.
I draw inspiratuon from my Christian faith and my grandmother’s Jamaican proverbs, which instill courage and ambition in me, and motivate me to encourage others to conquer their fears. My friends characterize me as inspiring, sociable, optimistic, playful, and unwaveringly determined. I stand ready to inspire positive change, always open to the give and take of life’s miracles.
A quote from my mother, Donna A. Campbell, the founder of Campbell Coaching and Consulting, that has deeply influenced me is: ‘Live your life according to your design, not your circumstances.’ This quote carries an immense impact on me, not only because of the wisdom it conveys but also because my mother embodied these words in her own life, providing me with a living testament of their truth.
Childhood to Adulthood – How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the
bad and good things you remember?
Chantelle A. Campbell: As an individual of Canadian-Caribbean descent, navigating the intersection of race and culture has often been challenging for me. Being a black woman, my gender and skin color have frequently felt like obstacles rather than assets. I’ve noticed that people are quick to judge others based on their appearance rather than their character. This made it difficult for me to determine a career path during my high school years.
Within my own black community, I experienced colorism due to my darker skin, which is symbolic of my Maroon-like origins. Additionally, I faced racism from teachers who assumed I would opt for “easier” courses or be placed in applied classes instead of academic ones. These experiences attempted to impose limitations on me and indirectly conveyed that I was inferior, but the sentiments did not succeed because I had a strong mother and a very supportive upbringing.
I vividly remember a moment from my childhood when I was just nine years old. My mother took me to a local Toys R Us to buy a baby checkup doll. She was steadfast in her resolve that I should have dolls and toys that resembled me, and so she encouraged me to choose a dark-skinned black doll, one that I could identify with. This memory from the pre-Woke era has left an indelible mark on my psyche. I still recall the sight of the young salesman turning the entire shelf inside out to find that one doll that reflected my likeness. This gesture underscored the significance of my identity, imprinting upon my subconscious the
belief that I mattered, and my skin tone mattered.
Later, as a high school student, I grappled with uncertainty about my future career, until I crossed paths with Mara Beckford, an enthusiastic law school student. Seeing her confidently wear her braids and display her vibrant personality was inspiring. It was clear to me that whatever she had, I aspired to possess.
That encounter served as a catalyst, sparking my interest in justuce and law. Consequently, I threw myself into investigating law programs, prerequisites, and stories of other black individuals who had dared to challenge the societal expectations tied to their backgrounds.
Empowered by this newfound motivation, I focused the final two years of high school on enhancing my academic performance. As a result of this dedication, I earned admission into York University (YorkU). There, I chose to pursue a honors double major in Philosophy and Law & Society, carrying forward the passion kindled in my heart. That marked the beginning of my youth’s journey, which eventually flourished into over a decade-long career in law and education. Sometimes in life, witnessing others’ successes is all it takes for us to truly realize our own brilliance.
What hardships have you gone through in life?
Chantelle A. Campbell: Despite the advantages of my educational background, which have enabled me to advocate for justice and effect change through education and litigation, my journey hasn’t always been a bed of roses. The 2008 economic crisis in Canada served as a critical point of activation for my resilience and determination. During this challenging time, my family endured significant losses, legal issues, and financial difficulties. These hardships strengthened my belief that we should interpret life’s obstacles as steppings tones to personal growth and success.
Moreover, these struggles provided me with a deeply personal understanding of the issues I’d later dedicate my professional life to addressing. The inception of LAS, now known as RentLaw, was deeply influenced by the trials, perspectives, and experiences I encountered during these tough times. By drawing from my personal experiences and harnessing my creativity, dedication, and faith, I’ve been able to transform my struggles into a platform for helping others. I find joy in being able to serve the public using my natural talents and skills, while also earning a living doing something I genuinely love – helping people.
What do people usually not know about you?
Chantelle A. Campbell: Despite my vibrant and sociable demeanor, people are often surprised to learn that I cherish solitude, introspection, and the tranquility of my private sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle. Though I may seem to be a city-dweller, I actually prefer the serene beauty of life outside my provincial capital of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Given a choice, I’d always opt for a peaceful walk in the park over the fast-paced energy of a city stroll.
What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?
Chantelle A. Campbell: My unique blend of qualiƟes – resilience in the face of adversity, intersectional advocacy rooted in law, educatuon, housing, BIPOC, and women’s empowerment, combined with Christian faith-based spirituality, sets me apart both professionally and personally. My rich diasporic identity, drawn from Jamaican and Trinidadian roots, adds depth to my perspectuve. My journey – being born to a teen mom who later built her own consulting firm and retired at 55, and having a biological father with a history of incarceration has given me a distinctive fighter spirit. Despite being told I wasn’t ‘academic enough’, I graduated with honors in my undergraduate degree, pursued an MA in Social Justice and Criminology, and added 13
professional development certificates to my credentuals. My uniqueness is drawn from this uniquely forged path.
What are your upcoming major events – Unforgettable Moments or products/services that you want to promote/inform?
Chantelle A. Campbell: I am eager to highlight the Young Achievement Scholarship, a collaboration with Pureaide charity. This August 2023, we’re offering a $1000 scholarship to a female student under 30 who is keen to embark on a legal career at the college or university level. The recipient must be an active member of the New Life Covenant Centre, a faith community that has been instrumental in molding and mentoring me since my high school years. This scholarship embodies my faith-based principles of giving back and supporting
education. For those interested in making a donation or sending encouraging words towards this initiative, please email me at ch****************@gm***.com with “giveback” as the subject. Donations can also be made
directly through PayPal at https://pureaide.org/legal-advocacy-services. As Pureaide is a registered
charity, you’ll be provided with a tax form for your contribution. To learn more about Pureaide, please visit https://pureaide.org/.
Furthermore, I’m thrilled to announce the partnership of Legal Advocacy Services (LAS) – GTA and Pureaide. Pureaide, a non-profit registered charity, aims to empower young individuals and disrupt the cycle of poverty and crime that limited educational opportunities can perpetuate.
Through this partnership, LAS will be awarding an annual scholarship to a deserving candidate under 30 who requires financial aid for legal studies. Applicants must submit a one-page letter explaining their suitability for the scholarship, and we also encourage creative and unique portfolio submissions. The scholarship is open to Ontario students entering post-secondary education in a legal related field of study. Although there is no minimum GPA requirement, applicants must showcase. A strong desire to pursue a legal education.
The student must be a serving member of the New life covenant center the faith community that shape developed and mentored me from high school to current. Evidence of completing 24 hours of voluntary legal work. A one page letter outlining why they should be selected and how the funds will help them achieve their legal educational goals. Join us me supporting the education and development of young individuals by participating in the LAS Scholarship program.
What are your food preferences and body measurements?
Chantelle A. Campbell: For health purposes, I’m gradually shifting towards a plant-centric diet, intending to streamline and tone my physique. My day typically commences with a refreshing matcha green tea latte, followed by meals enriched with Caribbean flavors. I have a penchant for the robust spice profiles and seasonings that infuse life into my dishes. I’m equally passionate about Thai and Asian culinary techniques. In the summertime, a delightful mango vegetable salad is my go-to meal, while in winter, I relish a bowl of lentil soup accompanied by pita bread.
What expert advice would you like to give to women in business?
Chantelle A. Campbell: In this era of women’s empowerment, shaped by dynamic female leaders and change agents, it’s crucial to acknowledge the silent insecurities that many women still grapple with. Despite our expertise in presenting an image of having everything together, internal struggles often persist. Before plunging into the vast world of business, ecommerce, boardrooms, or courtrooms spaces we fully deserve to occupy. I would encourage women to pause and reflect. It’s vital to recognize our own values and what we can contribute to our communitues. This undeniable truth remains, we are more than enough when we view ourselves in that light. On a practical note, numerous resources, programs, and funding opportunities are available to assist when launching a business. However, it’s paramount to remember that we, ourselves, are our most valuable and irreplaceable resources. Before stepping into the commercial arena, let’s seek confidence, peace, and strength within ourselves.
Establishing this inner foundation will be instrumental in our marketplace success. Before drawing up business plans, incorporating businesses, or setting up customer-attracting websites, let’s engage in some personal introspection to discover our inherent strengths. These will be the assets we bring to our communities. Staying authentic and cultivating a lasting influence through our messages,
products, and inventions is the key. Always be conscious of how to genuinely position ourselves for long term success.
Your social media handles and website links?
Chantelle A. Campbell: LinkedIn is my main social media platform as I find it most conducive for building meaningful professional relationships, and I’ve maximized my capabilities on the site. You can connect with me on LinkedIn at this
link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chantelleacampbell/.

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.