StarzLosAngeles – New Annual Magazine out now – Julia George
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A collaborated venture with International films day. StarzLosAngeles get you annual roundup of Interviews, Glam, Starz, and who looked the best on the red carpet. All in one Place.

StarzLosAngeles – Julia George Interview

Our very first exclusive interview is with Los Angeles-based Celebrity – Julia George Author and the host of International films day.

Catch up on more details and connect with Julia George via our web page or via Instagram @juliageorgeauthor.

Julia is busy promoting her latest book called “Desi Author takes a trip.” And, also sharing a little Independence Day cheer to all Desi’s around the world.

Her successful completion of 2 years of people mentioning their fav films and sharing all the hot buzz of the new films is getting a great audience.

International films Day:

Starz LA:

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