Siddhi Mahatole is an aspiring journalist. Her roots are in Aurangabad, Maharashtra (India), the land of farmers where life is cultivated. In this fertile land, she was tenderly nurtured by a fun nuclear family having deep ties with my grandparents. She is the middle child in a family of five, with loving parents, an elder sister, and a naughty younger brother.

Siddhi’s Father – A Zealot Social Worker
Her father is a renowned passionate businessman and zealot social worker. He is striving for the upliftment of family and society simultaneously. Her father inspires her with his ability to acquire diverse knowledge and his ever-evolving versatility. He is upbeat with current affairs and is a jack of all. Moreover, he can easily discuss any topic with his knack of logically applying the acquired knowledge.
Siddhi Mahatole’s Family
Her mother is a loveable homemaker. She has disciplined principles and spiritual faith to live life on the track. Her elder sister is an enthusiastic architect and is currently practising in her firm. Then they have the youngest member of the family, her brother, whose naughtiness always drives everyone crazy.

The Ultimate Motivation for Siddhi Mahatole
Siddhi Mahatole’s grandparents were the ultimate motivation for her. It is because they always believed in her capabilities. She wishes they could see her today and how she is growing and learning wholeheartedly for her passion turned profession.
A Fiercely Competitive Girl
It was her childhood trait to achieve the highest marks in class. She was fiercely competitive, and she is still intensely competitive! People often say that marks are just numbers, not evidence of knowledge gained, and they might be right too. However, her mind has always been intrigued by numbers.
Siddhi Mahatole’s desire to be first in all walks of life has always managed to attract attention wherever she goes, whatever she does. She has always been the topper in all of her school, but she missed the race in grade XII exams.
Eye-opening Time in College
She had a very eye-opening time in junior college, despite not being the most enjoyable time of her life. Siddhi Mahatole did not know that journalism was a profession. She opted for science as her stream of study in class 11th, as every topper in India does, and started intensely preparing for the Joint Entrance Exam of Engineering, where she could get into IIT or any reputed college.
Follow Your Heart

Despite her repetitive attempts, and utmost efforts to do well she did not achieve the goal. Siddhi Mahatole couldn’t figure out what was lacking as she had put everything in it, but after a lot of brainstorming, she understood that engineering was not where her heart lay.
Siddhi Mahatole – A Creative Writer
Previously, she used to write poetry and stories. Siddhi Mahatole feels that her creativity increases when she writes. Moreover, she enjoys writing as much as dancing. She felt alive while writing. Hence, Siddhi Mahatole searched for career options in writing and journalism. She looked at the pros and cons. Here, she struggled, but she succeeded in overcoming it.
Siddhi Mahatole Chose Journalism as a Profession
Even though her parents never restricted her from anything, telling them about becoming a journalist was hard for Siddhi Mahatole. Her mom and dad told her that it was too dangerous for girls to be journalists. They told her how journalists face threats all the time. Moreover, they gave her an example of a famous Indian journalist, Gauri Lankesh, and how she was killed while seeking the truth. No doubt, she was shocked at just how firm she was then. But she is sure to work hard and succeed in whatever she decides.
Evolution of Journalistic Skills
Since Siddhi Mahatole took up admission to the Bachelor of International Journalism in her hometown, she has topped every semester at this course in a batch.
Her anchoring skills, writing, research, and all of her journalistic skills have evolved. Being a teacher’s favourite student isn’t even easy today. People of your age troll and mock you. They think of you as a childish person and it is not easy to be ignorant too. But we all know ignorance is bliss so she is quite sure of that.
She never has had a good group of friends though she is popular and quite straightforward just a few ones who genuinely care and wish good for her and she is glad that she met them.

Lately, she has been struggling with her anxiety. Subconsciously she pressurizes herself to do more and be the best at everything, even the smallest thing but she guesses there is also a valuable reason for her to realize and find a way through it.
Future Goals of Siddhi Mahatole
After getting selected as a Finalist for the Global UGRAD American Student Program, she intends to pursue a Master’s in International Relations and Media Studies. She also plans to appear for the Civil Services examination. Getting shortlisted for an American Student Program, Siddhi Mahatole feels like she has meant to pursue this for so long.
Siddhi’s Exposure in Media and Journalism
She knows this is a progressive beginning to her and her career. As she wants to build and gain exposure in the emerging world of media and journalism.
Siddhi Mahatole has worked as an intern Fact checker for Facebook Fact-Checking Company, Fact Crescendo which was quite an interesting experience and it helped her to understand the significance of verifying and cross-checking the news which also helped her work on her anchoring skills by creating videos for their website.
Siddhi Mahatole – Jack of All Trades
She has also volunteered and worked as a Public Relations Officer for an NGO. Currently working as a junior editor for startup news portal, The Vastavik, and also a Volunteer Content Writer for Art of Living Bureau of Communication.
Siddhi has been part of Art of Living since childhood as her father is an Apex Member and has been a volunteer for a long time which has provided her and her entire family a divine backbone.
She recently got her anthology, The Architects of Prejudices, published. Siddhi is eyeing to get into International media by associating with Media Value Works, Mumbai but at the same time there is so much more she is looking forward to learning and studying. Today, she has her study gram, blogs, where you can reach her and see her work.
Hobbies and Passion
Other than academics, she is quite much into dancing and also reading. Her soul and body are free when she is dancing. Siddhi Mahatole is a trained International Bharatnatyam dancer. She has been learning the classical form of dance for the past 12 years.
She learned under the guidance of renowned teacher Meera Puskar. Siddhi always believed in herself. Hard work took her to many National and International Competitions for Classical Dancing. She has been a part of the World Ethno Festival held in Bulgaria.

Siddhi Mahatole’s Achievements in Life
She has also gained a standing ovation from the Minister of Women and Child development of India, Smriti Irani in National Bal Bhavan, New Delhi.
Moreover, she cleared Balashree, one of the highest value award competitions in cultural performances in India.
She has also worked for the orphan kids in the city by volunteering with an NGO, the Stambh organization. Not only this, she taught dance to the orphan kids and loved doing that.
Need of Extra – Curricular Activities
Siddhi Mahatole always feels that extra-curricular activities develop and groom character overall and people do not realize it. It has equal potential as the books.
Siddhi Mahatole – A Grateful Girl
She is grateful that her parents never restricted her about anything in life and are so supportive. They let her pursue anything and anywhere. Her school and college has been supportive and encouraged her to do more. All the teachers are like blessings to her. Her family, teachers, and friends have been a constant support to Siddhi Mahatole.
Siddhi Mahatole – A Young Energetic Soul
She is turning 21 years old this month and so far this is what she has learned in my life through her experiences.
Reach Siddhi Mahatole via her instagram handle below

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.