Scott Exclusive Interview – ‘No One Is Perfect So Dont Try And Compare Yourself To Others’
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Scott was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with him.

Mr. Scott As Exclusive Cover Story – June 2023

How do you introduce yourself?

Scott: My name is Scott I am 43 years old and currently live in the UK.

Childhood to Adulthood – How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?

Scott: My transition from childhood to adulthood was quite tough as I didn’t really have any qualifications and didn’t go to uni, so finding a job that I liked was hard to come by. The worst part was walking the length of a high-street approaching every shop with a CV to try and get a job and getting rejected by all. On the plus side I always had support from my family and I loved playing sport so spent a lot of time doing that.

Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?

Scott: The hardest thing that I have had to go through in my life so far was being addicted to gambling for about 10 years early on in my adult life. I thought I could win an exuberant lifestyle until I realised that you cant and risked throwing away everything I have ever worked hard for.

What do people usually not know about you?

Scott: People don’t often know that one of my first real jobs was that of a nursery nurse, which meant looking after children between the ages of 3 months – 5 years. I did this job for 3 years and loved every minute. Sadly this career doesn’t pay anywhere near enough to be able to put you on the property ladder so I moved on.

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?

Scott: What sets me apart in life and competitors is the resilience and willingness to do well. Throughout my life i have had to over come barriers from not being able to get a job, being a gambling addict and even being dropped from a semi pro football team for being too short. These barriers have made me stronger as i have the urge to be successful and drive to win at whatever I am doing as well as bringing people with me. #postivevibes.

What are your upcoming major events – Unforgettable Moments or products/services that you want to promote/inform?

Scott: I currently work in the recruitment sector and advise our customers on anything that is people related from how to build a career through to how to hire in the current market and future proofing your workforce. I have various work events coming up within the procurement profession…… so stay tuned.

What are your food preferences and physical attributes?

Scott: My favourite food is a tough choice but I am going to have to go with steak, especially at Goodmans steak house in London. In terms of my physical attributes I am a very keen sportsman and have relied on speed for a lot of my sports that include football, cricket and martial arts. I am also told I have deceptive power given my size.

Your love life, relationships and family?

Scott: My home life is very strong as I have a supportive wife and 2 amazing children.

What expert advice would you like to give?

Scott: There is plenty of advice I could give to people especially when building a career but I will go with work towards being the best version of yourself and staying authentic. No one is perfect so dont try and compare yourself to others just think about the things you need to work on and strive for improvement.

Your social media handles and website links?


Insta – @dances36
twitter – @scott_dance1

linked.in -https://www.linkedin.com/in/ACoAAAfRs90BoxUX7YCgcl1IUhMsh5Xi2Hs3_s8