Michael Davies Exclusive Interview – ‘You’re Never Too Old To Start A New Career’
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Michael Davies was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Mr. Michael.

How do you introduce yourself?

Michael Davies: I’m 55 and live in Hackney with my husband Johnny, a therapist (which isn’t how we met!) and Lulu, a Spanish rescue dog. When not acting, I work in the environmental sector, encouraging greener lifestyles and helping people who live in fuel poverty. I volunteer on a regular basis at Hackney Foodbank, St Joseph’s Hospice and I’m a volunteer befriender for an LGBTQ+ charity for older people.

How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?

Michael Davies: I don’t think it’s easy for anyone growing up to adjust to being gay. There was a fair amount of bullying, mostly verbal which can be as painful in its own way. However, I was lucky in that I lived in inner London and had a loving family and good friends.

Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?

Michael Davies: I grew up on a council estate in King’s Cross and whilst we weren’t what you call ‘poor’ we didn’t live in the lap of luxury either! For most of my life my mother was in poor health and was an alcoholic in her later life (when I was living at home). My brother was also an alcoholic who changed his ways when he had a stroke 15 or so years ago. Sadly, he died in November 2022. I can sometimes suffer with anxiety and depression (again, that’s not how I met my husband!).

What do people usually not know about you?

Michael Davies: I can be very chatty and friendly when people meet me but I’m actually shy (although much improved from when I was younger).

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?

Michael Davies: By their very nature, everyone’s unique aren’t they? Having said that I do feel that I bring a quirky, lively, somewhat leftfield approach to everything I do. I’m also very versatile and adaptable.

What are your upcoming major events?

Michael Davies: I’m joining the cast of a Murder Mystery show next month which I’m very much looking forward to!

What are your food preferences and body measurements?

Michael Davies: 90% vegan at home (struggling to give up eggs though!), veggie rest of time. I’m 5ft 11, around 12 stone, bald.

What expert advice would you like to give?

Michael Davies: It’s not expert advice as such but, just remember, you’re never too old to start a new career such as acting. Go for it, I say!

What are your social media and other links?

Instagram: @michaelelvetdavies