Meriam Exclusive Interview – ‘Stay Focussed And Don’t Let Others Affect You’
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Meriam was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. Meriam.

How do you introduce yourself?

Meriam: When introducing myself I will start with my name and stating what i do “hi Im meriam! Im a creative presenter, model and presenter”. Then depending on their interest I would proceed to elaborate on my work.

How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?

Meriam: Transitioning into adulthood was tough but exciting. I’ve been passionate enough to put myself out there and build something for myself from a young age. I didn’t grow up with much as a first generation child but I saw how hard my parents worked to not let us feel left out or less than. So,growing up knowing and experiencing a life like this led me to start working and motivated me to build myself from an early age. Starting as a freelance photographer to modeling print and runway to being nationally and internationally published was a long and slightly lonely journey but definitely taught me alot about independence and acceptance.

One of my favourite memories transitioning into adulthood is seeing my parents being happy and proud seeing their daughter being interviewed on live TV for her work; as well as being internationally published (this was a big milestone for me). I mention these examples to translate that these are not just positive memories but proud achievements of mine because they have built me strength; doing it alone but also for my family. It has made me resilient and remembering the bad days motivates me to be better for myself and my family.

Struggle – What hardships have you faced during your life?

Meriam: A major struggle that I’ve always had to deal with is financial instability as mentioned in the previous question. Despite the mental and financial toll that brings; one of the hardest moments in my life was seeing my parents go through a divorce due to it. I’m the oldest of 3. I’ve always felt that it is my responsibility to keep my family together and provide in a way that can maintain that love and ease. However, during that period of time I was facing a deeper hardship that I had no control over.

What things people usually do not know about you?

Meriam: Despite being in the public eye and having a bubbly character, I enjoy my own time with myself the most. I feel that I am a double edged sword. Most people know me to be bubbly, adventurous and hardworking. Now of course these things are truly part of me. But people don’t know that I chose my own time over that as I feel like it keeps me centered and focused on my goals.

What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?

Meriam: Being a Media personality and Model has become oversaturated and is becoming more and more accessible.However, i can see that there is no one like me in any of my fields. I remember being on set and shooting and people wouldn’t think i would be the leading model, or that i was able to Direct a set of 40+ people. I was always seen as the “young muslim girl” until i started my podcast. Putting myself, my opinions and personality out there made people see me as a talented woman rather than just another muslim girl. My charisma and creative vision has led people to buy into me as a person as well as a personality. This separates me from anytone in my field as there is not many if anyone that looks like me and has a successful reputation in each of my creative roles.

What are your major upcoming events?

Meriam: This year I plan on doing my first live show. My audience has a consistently high demand that they would like to pay to watch me do my podcast live. A few years ago I was interviewed on the islam channel after being recognised and accredited for my work; i would like to broaden that to the masses. Hopefully this can boost my career as a personality. Similarly, with my modeling career my unforgettable moments happened in a domino effect. First the guardian had me model a cover in their online fashion segment. I modeled fitness wear that could be worn by all women. A few weeks later I did a few runway shows at a fashion show live. I modeled streetwear and couture. Off the back of that my pictures were internationally published in a photographers magazine called Mob journal.

What are your diet preference and physical measurements?


My diet preferences: halal or plant based food.

My physical appearance: hazel brown eyes, brown thin eyebrows, natural lips and eyelashes, clear ivory skin tone.

Sizes and measurements: height: 5ft2 , size M standard 12/10 depending on material.

What expert advice would you like to share?

Meriam: My best piece of advice is to understand what you want and consistently take a step towards making that your present instead of seeing it for the future. Consistency and work ethic will lead to a lot of criticism because no one can outwork you for your dream. Another thing i would say whether it’s in a social field or professional field is, take everything with a pinch of salt. Good or bad, don’t let others affect you. Stay focussed.