Matilda Cecilia Ishmael Exclusive Interview – ‘Listen To Others, Be Patient And Be Grateful For Opportunities’
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Matilda Cecilia was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. Matilda.

How do you introduce yourself?

Matilda Cecilia: I’m a school librarian, just stating out on being a model.

How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?

Matilda Cecilia: I had to adapt to a number of changes at school when I came to this country at the age of seven. Life was very different in the 60s and 70s. I remember being the only black face in my junior school in North London. I stated my first major job at the age of nineteen where I made some wonderful friends; people I still close after all these years (over 40 years)

Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?

Matilda Cecilia: I’ve been quite lucky; blessed. I don’t see myself as having any particular hardships.

What do people usually not know about you?

Matilda Cecilia: They don’t know that I’ve taken up modelling.

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?

Matilda Cecilia: I’m a mature, bald female model.

What are your upcoming major events?

Matilda Cecilia: I’m going to promote my eco-friendly and organic products (body butter, candles, lip balms) at a ladies event on the first Friday of each month. I started making these during covid and gave them as gifts to friends and family.

What are your food preferences and body measurements?

Matilda Cecilia: I have a varied diet although I would say that I’m more of a vegetarian/pescatarian diet. However, I don’t eat soya products.

What expert advice would you like to give?

Matilda Cecilia: Say a blessing as you rise and thanks giving before you sleep. Take life as it comes and try to enjoy it. Listen to others, be patient and be grateful for opportunities.

What are your social media and other links?

Matilda Cecilia: Instagram:@cece_cares