Marcia Hylton Exclusive Interview – ‘Never stop learning about yourself’
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Marcia Hylton was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine for the cover interview feature and below is the Q&A session we had with Marcia.

Marcia Hylton As Cover Story Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online February 2023 Edition

How do you introduce yourself?

Marcia Hylton: Marcia Hylton is a Certified International Coach, NLP and timeline practitioner specialising in trauma recovery and emotional resilience after narcissistic abuse and other toxic relationships. Marcia has over 30 years in healthcare and education industry as an advanced medical practitioner and lecturer, and has experience promoting holistic health with special interest in women’s mental and emotional health through community education.

How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?

Marcia Hylton: I had a happy childhood with mum and dad and my four siblings. Yet I struggled to connect on a deep level with my dad. He worked hard to support his family and we never wanted for anything, but he was emotionally unavailable to me. This led me to strive to get his approval through achievement. I left school with no qualifications and I felt like a disappointment to him. So my education really started in my late teens.

I became a nurse, community educator and lecturer all in a bid to prove to myself and my dad I wasn’t a failure. I spent most of my adult life in toxic relationships. As a result I formed a belief system that prevented me from being authentically me. This showed up in the way I ‘did’ life; procrastination, saying yes when I really wanted to scream no! This belief system I had about myself continually led me into heart-breaking, toxic narcissistic relationships.

I became a single parent with three young boys to raise. It was so hard trying to juggle everything-work, study and raise my sons. There were many times I wanted to give up, then I would see in my mind’s eye my ex laughing at me, telling me I was no good, why should I bother? ‘You, a teacher?’ He would say and fall over laughing. That memory was all I needed to push through all the trials I faced as a single parent. I went on to forge a very successful career for myself in the healthcare and education industry. I was doing okay.

The side hustle I had alongside the day job was supporting women through their emotional and physical health challenges and would run workshops, speak at events and deliver health courses. I realised so many of us as women had experienced so much emotional and physical trauma in relationships and this eventually led me to train as a coach so I could serve women more effectively.

Struggle – What hardships have you faced during your life?

Marcia Hylton: Bringing up my three sons as a single parent was a struggle. Finances were tight and I was working and studying hard, all the while striving to make sure my sons had what they needed. I was that single mother that turned up to football training, school concerts etc on my own while the parents of other children looked on. I was making sure my children could experience the activities the other children were having. I did not want my children to understand lack.

This wasn’t about spoiling them but for them to be empowered to know they could be, do and have anything they chose as long as their values in life were meaningful and they could live by them-that was what I hoped to teach them. I was also a carer for one of my sons who had a severe mental breakdown. I remember the psychiatrist saying to me with early intervention and good support he would recover.

So I gave up my job for a year and cared for him, pouring into him. It was a long, difficult and painful journey for the whole family, but I give thanks that because I (and support from my wider family) poured into him he has a hope and a good future and has his life back.All my sons are doing well for themselves and I’m so proud of them.

Fast forward to more recently, at the beginning of the pandemic I was still working on the front lines in a major hospital in the UK. I was getting tired and had been considering taking early retirement for some time before the pandemic, but was scared to make the move, wondering how I would support myself and being accustomed to the regular salary. When the pandemic hit, no one really knew what the outcome would be, everyone was stressed, staff shortages.

Then there was the whole George Floyd episode. I was also working in a different city to my family and not being able to see them took it’s toll on my own mental health. I had to take some time off, to escape, to just rest and think about where my life was going. Plus I had just split from my partner who I was due to marry-It had all got too much During this time off work, I had some thinking space and I knew I wasn’t going back to the way things had been.

I decided to try some thing different. I started a podcast which got great reviews and a lot of response from so many people saying how much it helped them. I decided to take the early retirement and retrain as a coach. From there, Life Inspired Wellness LTD was born.

What things people usually do not know about you?

Marcia Hylton: That I’m actually an introvert-quite shy.

What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?

Marcia Hylton: I think the things that separate me from those working in the field of transformational coaching around emotional abuse (namely narcissistic abuse and other toxic relationships) and trauma is that I bring not only lived experience and knowledge around emotional abuse and trauma, but also my medical and teaching expertise which I incorporate into my work to bring transformation for my clients.

What are your major upcoming events?

Marcia Hylton: My upcoming signature coaching programme‘Free To Be Me-Recovery after Emotional Trauma’ will be launched in the spring. I have also co-authored two Amazon best-selling books ‘In The Pursuit of Fearless Living’ and ‘What Is Fearless Living?’ There are some upcoming projects  which I’m also excited about.

What expert advice would you like to share?

Marcia Hylton:

  • It’s my belief that we as women bring balance to the world and I’d encourage young budding entrepreneurs to hold fast to what they believe in. Push through and never give up.
  • Never stop learning about yourself- becoming self-aware is the beginning of healing and lasting positive change.
  • Believe in yourself, and remember, it’s never about you but who you serve.

What are your social media links?

Marcia Hylton: