Maggie Ward Exclusive Interview – ‘Something Is Not Working, Then It’s Not For You, Accept That And Move On’
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Maggie Ward was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online by TheCelebrity.Online and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

How do you introduce yourself and profession?

Maggie Ward: My name is Maggie Ward. I am 41 years old, and my profession is still being developed. I’ve been hiding myself for years and now embarking on showing the world the real me. I’m trying out modelling, and any other opportunities to embrace who I am. I’m a bundle of positive energy, and really want to work on sharing that with the world.

Childhood to Adulthood – How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things you remember?

Maggie Ward: Growing up in a large Irish family was hectic, we never had much so I would dance, sing, entertain the family. I experienced lots of struggles as a child, life was very testing, filled with many trips to the hospital I was very accident prone, always eager which got me in a lot of trouble, had 3 near death experiences and one occasion I was given only 2hrs to live, but I bounced back. The transition into my teenage years were no different fearless and feisty. In my adulthood, I started in management at 19, worked my way up many companies to only realise 2yrs ago that management is not the life for me. I am now working on a new journey and seeing where it goes.

Struggle – What hardships you faced during your life?

Maggie Ward: I’ve had many hardships which has shaped me but not defined me. Most difficult was at 25yrs old. I lost 3 family members in 6months, my father, my grandmother and my sister committed suicide 6mths later. My life spiralled thereafter, I was destructive and never handled my grief correctly. I’ve recently been through a 2yr transformation of my life, healing my psychological blocks that were destructive. Torn down my whole life to rebuild again, I now know myself better and no longer hold myself back due to lack of self-esteem and buried emotional issues.

Things that people usually don’t know about you?

Maggie Ward: I have a Diploma as a spiritual life coach, I practice spirituality to live my life as authentic as possible. I work with astrology and transit charts to understand the stars and how it affects me. I am a private person, sensitive, love to write poetry and enjoy listening to classical music.

What makes you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?

Maggie Ward: I am the essence of uniqueness. I laugh at myself, see the funny side of life. I don’t take myself to seriously, life has knocked me down time and time again, I’ve been rejected, disappointed, made to feel unworthy but I am the definition of strength and tenacity. I am set apart by transmuting all of that pain into ‘’how can I be better ‘’ no self-pity. I am filled with optimism and appreciate those experiences as lessons to be the best version I can be.

What are the major Upcoming Events & Unforgettable Moments or products/services that you want to promote/inform our readers about?

Maggie Ward: Currently testing my writing skills to see what works, I aim to publish something in the future once comfortable with the content. I am also working on being brave by showing the world the real me on social media platforms. I intend to share my wisdom I’ve acquired in the hope of helping anyone like me.

What are your diet preferences, physical appearance, sizes and measurements?

Maggie Ward: Recently lost over 50llbs in a year, as part of bettering my life. Its been challenging, but determined to live a healthy life, I do around 8-9miles a day through walking, dancing, and cardio. My diet is mainly pescatarian, choosing to live a clean life but enjoy cakes and cookies too!

What Expert Advice would you like to share with the readers about professional and social field of life?

Maggie Ward: My advice is if something is not working, and you are met with resistance then it’s not for you, accept that and move on, do ask yourself why you want such thing and you might be surprised that there is a hidden meaning to that. Once you get that answer you may realise it was never what you wanted but a lesson to heal from!

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