Linda Montana Exclusive Interview – ‘Learn As Much As You Can’
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Linda Montana was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

Linda Montana As Exclusive Cover Story – June 2023

How do you introduce yourself?

Linda Montana: I am Linda Montana. I am a working actress who sings, dances in films, televisions shows, commercials and on stage as well as trick ropes, rides horses, narrates audiobooks and does voice overs.

Childhood to adulthood-How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad things and good things that you remember?

Linda Montana: I had a fabulous childhood. I was raised in a western show business family. My parents were Montie and Louise Montana. Instead of going to camp, I got to perform in rodeos and fairs as a trick roper, trained dancing horse rider and I rode for my father’s horse catches. My mother taught me while we were on the road so that I would not fall behind in school. I worked hard and got straight A’s most of the time because I studied hard. When we returned home, I had to clean the house, do laundry and iron my father’s western shirts when I was a teenager which was good training for life. When my parents divorced, it was traumatic for me. I not only lost the daily presence of my father but also lost our working at rodeos together; our family act was finished. I loved them both so much.

Everything changed immediately. When Daddy left, he asked me to take care of my mother and I did for over 30 years. The transition was hard emotionally. I had already decided to become an actress, singer and dancer and was taking many lessons per week learning and getting better. When we performed at rodeos, we were one of the top acts. But when I began auditioning for acting, singing and dancing jobs, I was at the bottom competing with the top actors, singers and dancers. Rejection is not pleasant but it’s part of show business. You have to improve and try, try, try again. I did and eventually booked jobs in TV soap operas, episodics, films and musicals on stage.

Struggle What hardships have you gone through in life?

Linda Montana: Besides my parents divorce and starting at the bottom as I described above, I lived off my meager acting earnings and had to supplement my income telemarketing. I really did not enjoy that but I got good at it. Also, when my mother got Alzheimer’s disease, I was her only caregiver at home 24/7. I had to stop my career to tend her needs for many years. Caregiving is very hard to do. My life and dreams were on hold. When she passed, I was very sad but after grieving, I traveled and resumed my career.

What do people usually not know about you?

Linda Montana: I have a wild sense of humor.

What sets you apart from your competitors in your industry and in life?

Linda Montana: I am reliable, versatile, hard working and love what I do. I keep going until I get it done. I am fun to be around and take direction well.

What are your upcoming major events-unforgettable moments?

Linda Montana: I have been auditioning a lot doing self tape auditions. As soon as the strikes are over, I hope to book more jobs.  LThe last one I did was a national commercial for Turbo Tax Lasso Good. It ran this year. I spun my big loop.

What are your food preferences?

Linda Montana: I love to eat fish:  Salmon, Crab cakes, shrimp, etc. I also love a good steak every now and then. I eat a lot of vegetables like broccoli, string beans, asparagas, Brussel sprouts and salad, blueberries, bananas, etc.

Your family and relationships?

Linda Montana: Your family, I have a great fun loving family. We get together as often as we can.

What expert advice would you like to give?

Linda Montana: After you decide what you want to do as a profession, learn as much as you can; study hard. Be honest, trust worthy, work hard, be reliable and have a good attitude.

Your social media handles and website links?

Linda Montana:

Website:  www, 

Twitter:  LindaMontanaVO.

Facebook:  Linda Montana  

Instagram:  Linda Montana.37  

I hope these are correct. I am on LinkedIn, too.