LaToyia S. Jordan Exclusive Interview – Don’t be afraid to put you first
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LaToyia S. Jordan was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. LaToyia.

LaToyia S. Jordan As Cover Story Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online March 2023 Edition

How do you introduce yourself?

LaToyia S. Jordan: LaToyia S. Jordan is a fierce proponent of girls empowerment and has dedicated herself to not only pouring into girls and women, but to also educate them about the issues they face such as; self confidence, self-esteem, health and beauty. She comes up with innovative ways to bring all walks of life together through her various events.

How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?

LaToyia S. Jordan: I had an awesome childhood. We went on family vacations, family reunions and so much more. My mom died when I was 16 from leukemia. To me, ages 12 -18 are the most important years of a young girl’s life, and my mom died right in the middle of mine. My prayers to God were always to allow me to see and do the things my mom didn’t get to do. When I had my children, I prayed that prayer even harder.

I got married and had my first child at 19 and then another child at 21. Marriage is a lot work unfortunately my marriage didn’t make it due to infidelity on his part. I soon became a single mom of two.

My passion for helping girls and women stems from myself and my daughter. I fell into a deep depression in 2013-2014. I founded the I Am Beautiful Movement during this difficult time. I love to create experiences and opportunities for girls and moms based on things I would have wanted to do as a young girl.

Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?

LaToyia S. Jordan: Like I said earlier my mom died when I was 16. I have never shared this with anyone but I became depressed and tried to commit suicide. Losing a parent at a young age takes a toll on you. My papa knew I had tried to commit suicide because he kept saying what’s wrong with you. During the 90’s that was something you just didn’t talk about. I eventually threw myself into school activities and other functions.

What do people usually not know about you?

LaToyia S. Jordan: I don’t eat watermelon! I’m really shy. I have two children in college.

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?

LaToyia S. Jordan: I like to create experiences for my clients to keep them coming back by throwing in extra content or free advertisements. I genuinely love helping others especially young girls.

What are your upcoming major events?

LaToyia S. Jordan: I have a new magazine coming out called Elevate Her-Story Lifestyle Magazine and an E-Book called Let’s Talk Local Media For Your Small Business, Brand, Event, or Organization A Beginner’s Guide. Talking with Toyia Radio Show & Podcast- event announcements and commercials are available. Advertising your business through bio sheets, media kits, virtual and podcast interviews!

What are your food preferences and body measurements?

LaToyia S. Jordan: I’m a short girl with a whole lot of fire!

What expert advice would you like to give?

LaToyia S. Jordan: Don’t be afraid to put you first and try something different.

“When God blesses you with multiple talents, how you use them is up to you. When you are a creative person sometimes it’s hard to focus on one thing! “TALENT CREATES MORE TALENT.”
I’m often reminded of this scripture… Matthew 25:14-30 The Parable of the Talents.” – Toyia Thrives

What are your social media and other links?

Instagram: @talkingwithtoyia @thrivingdailymedia @iambeautifulmovement2013

LinkedIn: LaToyia S. Jordan (Toyia Thrives)

Facebook: Thriving Daily Media, I Am Beautiful Movement, Talking With Toyia
TikTok: @toyiathrives
Twitter: @thrivingmedia22
Email: or
