Jondi Whitis Exclusive Interview – ‘Learn How To Gently ’Sit With’ Our Emotions, Vs Fight Or Suppress Them’
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Jondi Whitis was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

Jondi Whitis As Cover Interview Story – September 2023 Edition

How do you introduce yourself?

It depends upon the context and situation how I introduce myself.  In a work context I might typically say, Hi, I’m Jondi and I help people feel better fast.  I’ve spent many years studying the human condition through the lenses of wholistic mind-body energy work and  life experience.  I’m passionate about what I do, teaching others about their dynamic design, and the ways in which they can work with (vs against) it to create everyday well-being, clarity and emotional wisdom.  For this reason I often call energy techniques, The Peoples Toolbox, and myself, The Peoples Teacher.

Childhood to Adulthood – How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember? 

My childhood involved constant change, which showed me many things early in life: that most things that bother us don’t last forever, that there were many cultural systems and expectations, not just the one I began with in my own family, and that this brought me a great deal of information and flexibility for dealing with all kinds of people.  I am sure this greatly still underpins my client and teaching work, today.

Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life? 

I do see that uprooting children often from their routines, secure familiarity and even geography can be a struggle as well as what I just shared, above.

And I also acknowledge the common modern society hardships of feeling an outsider and social bullying, sexual harrassment and assault in school and the workplace, encountering domestic abuse and gaslighting, divorce, family tragedy and alcoholism, emotional breakdown, divorce and financial struggles, medical issues and what I’m sadly sure are common parenting crises, such as experiencing imploding schools, learning differently assessments, bullied, shut-down and sexually assaulted children come to mind.

What do people usually not know about you? 

People tend to know me from one phase or sector of my life, as I have moved and changed careers often. However, I’d say most people do not know I was formerly a TV/film producer, a cable exec and an ad exec.

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life? 

I have often heard people say this:  ‘There is something about you.  Something in the way you do it, that makes all the difference.’ My guess is that is true, and I embrace that, rather than trying to ‘compete.’  I do believe people gravitate towards you with their emotions and hearts – what they feel – vs their cognitive or commercial sense.  I emphasize this feature for choosing my services and even though I am very practiced, experienced and informed, I tend to speak from a wise-heart stance. I create and hold a safe space for people to enter, relax and open, at their own speed and comfort level.

What are your upcoming major events? 

I just finished an in-person and online Humanitarian Outreach training in NYC.  Now I’m readying a new, live online series of  Advanced & Creative Tapping Application Arts on October Sunday afternoons.  Also I continue to offer monthly expert Mentoring, another Emotional First-Aid class, two Holiday-Helper circles, an introduction to Everyday Tapping for Everyday Problems for female veterans, and a pain mitigation group for Physical Therapists.  I am hoping one or more of the proposals offered to schools/teacher groups will manifest, too.

What are your food preferences and physical attributes?

Hmm.  I am an omnivore, a mesomorph body type and a first-immigrants descendant, of primarily Western Europe and Scandinavian people.

Your love life, relationships and family?

I’m a mom and a wife, a caregiver for my elderly parents, a sister to 4 siblings and many others I call my ‘family members of choice’.

What expert advice would you like to give? 

A big ask!  Hmm.  Perhaps that deciding to learn how to gently ’sit with’ our emotions, vs fight or suppress them.

As soon as we learn that emotions are just energy-in-motion, carrying an important message, we can learn to relax and truly listen to the gift of them.  I believe this is one of the best and easiest things you can do.

Your social media handles and website links?