Fiorela Aguilar was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. Fiorela.
Fiorela Aguilar As Cover Story Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online February 2023 Edition
How do you introduce yourself?
Fiorela Aguilar: Hello, my name is Fiorela Aguilar. I am a model, dancer, artisan and psychologist. I consider myself a very passionate person in what I do. I try to be empathetic and motivate the people around me. When it comes to work, I am very creative and I always look for ways to innovate and make my projects unique.
How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?
Fiorela Aguilar: My childhood had many nuances, I remember beautiful and also painful experiences. I remember that they always pampered me and gave me things. I used to be very overprotected. I felt fine but, over the years, I realized that I had become very isolated and had a hard time socializing.
My mom took me to several psychologists and psychiatrists since I suffered from bullying for several years at school and this situation made me suffer from a strong picture of depression, anorexia and bulimia. Thanks to the support of my mother and the specialists I was able to overcome these situations, I learned to know myself better and to be more empathetic.
What things people usually do not know about you?
Fiorela Aguilar: Most people don’t know that I can break a Guinness record, but I don’t know why hehe.
What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?
Fiorela Aguilar: What makes me unique in my work and in life is my sensuality and my ability to take risks and try new things.
What are your major upcoming events?
Fiorela Aguilar: As I told you, I am a model, a dancer and I am preparing myself in singing. I invite you to follow me on my social networks. A video clip will soon be released where I am the protagonist and also, as always, I will be uploading photos of my sessions ❤️ I also invite you to follow my Artesania pages where I make custom sculptures.
What are your diet preference and physical measurements?
Fiorela Aguilar: I like to eat very healthy. I eat many fruits and vegetables. I take great care of my diet. I’m skinny but I’m obviously in good health hehe. I measure 1.62 and weigh 54 kilos. My hair is super long and it is reddish. I love my hair and my eyes. I am usually super natural in my day to day. That is, without makeup and with sandals. My measurements are 85-69-90.
What expert advice would you like to share?
Fiorela Aguilar: My advice in the area of work is to risk trying new things and always seek to be unique in what they do. And in general my advice is to always do what you like but without hurting others. Just focus on you and if you can support someone, do it.
What are your social media links?
Fiorela Aguilar:
– Fan page:
– Instagram Exteriores:
– Instagram lencería:
Social media links ARTISAN ARTE ARCANGEL
– Fan page : https://www.facebook.com/ARTE-Arc%C3%A1ngel-Dise%C3%B1os-en-cer%C3%A1mica-en-fr%C3%ADo-164266093655780
– Instagram:
Ig: https://www.instagram.com/arte_arcangel/

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.