Antonis Karastergiou was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Antonis.
Antonis Karastergiou As Cover Story Interview – January 2025 Edition
How do you introduce yourself to our readers?
Hello, my name is Antonis Karastergiou. I am 32 years old. I am an actor and i am living in Athens , Greece.
Personal Journey
I grew up in Athens and began working as an actor at 19 years old,but i finished dramatic school at 24 years old. I wanted to be an actor since i was kid. I play so many roles at home. I was watching films very usually. I love cinema but i have played theatre mostly. Theatre has a special energy and i love the connection with audience. When i am on stage i feel immortal. I love writing poetry and human stories. The main reason why i studied acting is because i wanted the chance to live many lives.
I think my favourite achievement is when i played in Patra with famous actors whom i admired as a child. I played Neal and this role defined me. I love it and i have this experience in my heart.
Overcoming Challenges
The most difficult experience for me was the loss of my father. He was sick for three months. Mourning is a special state that makes you think about things differently. It changes you and you take on responsibilities you didn’t have before. Some balances are lost but you learn to live with it. Friends are important for their support and presence. I overcome it if i can say that with beautiful people by my side, amazing moments and love. Trying to figure out with my difficult side. Writing is so helpful for me, i write my thoughts and make them lyrics, listening music and reading books. I need to evolve and discover new things. For me acting is a constant search and education to become a better person. It definitely helped me adapt to the circumstances i have. I realised that we are stronger than we think, we can be gentle and polite with ourselves and with other people, this makes us feeling better and happier. Loving and listening people around us . It’s so simple and beneficial.
Hidden Talents
I have written three theatrical plays and so many monologues . I began doing that with lyrics for rap. I grew up with this kind of music and writing lyrics, overtime i tried to write plays and that’s how it became a part of my life.
Unique Selling Proposition
At this time i want to become better and better at acting , to train, I don’t get complacent, i never stay at one level , i want to surpass the levels one by one. At this time i want to do seminars in different countries in Europe and get know different things and different languages. I am open to external stimuli and i think the most important element is to listen. I want tò learn more techniques. I believe that there’s no ceiling and that you can never feel that you have conquered it. Life is a trip and it’s so magic. It has upside down but life gives you so many choices. Being able to empathize and think as someone else is wonderful.
Upcoming Events
I have one comedy on thatre “Una faca” based on Dario fo’s play, one short film and one movie called “November conspiracy” . I wrote one short film i gonna start shooting on February. I have one more play for next season called ” DNA” by Dennis Kelly. I have a release for a movie called ” Italikos” . I have written one play and i want to do it on theatre soon called ” Waiting for nothing”.
Personal Preferences
My favourite food is spaghetti Bolognese and pizza. Off course i adore Italy. My height is 1,83cm. I am bald, my hair color is brown black as much as i have . My weight is 84 kilos. I have brown eyes. I am doing functional and boxing at this time.
Expert Advice
I heard a phrase and i like this very much! If life gives you lemons, you can make a beautiful lemonade. I think we can do that because we have power inside us and we don’t know that. This world is a weird world but i read one thing ” A photographer must see the world through the eyes of a baby ” . I think this applies to all of us , but with responsibility.
Social Media
- Instagram: @tony_karaste

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.