Zita Exclusive Interview – ‘Always Be True To Yourself’
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Zita was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

How do you introduce yourself and profession?

Zita: Hello, my name is Zita, I’m 53 years young and have had years of experience in the beauty industry. I started out as a self-employed beautician running a small salon in Catford, London, specialising in aromatherapy, beauty treatments and piercings. After 12 years learning the industry, I ventured into crystal healing which has always been an interest of mine. now that I’ve accomplished my goals within the beauty industry, I have decided to tackle my next adventure in life, modelling – something I’ve always dreamed of doing but never knew if it would be my reality, and now it is!

Childhood to Adulthood – How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things you remember?

Zita: My childhood was very active – I started out in ballet, tap and modern dance during my primary school years. I was very athletic during secondary school participating in 1500m, long jump and high jump. As an adult, I have raised 4 children while working towards my career. I currently go ice skating as often as possible and enjoy working out at home.

Struggle – What hardships you faced during your life?

Zita: There are no points in my life that I would consider ‘hardships’ as such. Raising my children was a challenge but an enjoyable one. Everyone has their difficult times but I am the kind of person who tries to see the silver lining in even the most difficult situations. When you allow your internal light to shine and you believe above all else that you can make it through anything, things don’t seem so bad.

Things that people usually don’t know about you?

Zita: I was adopted as a baby! Being adopted by a German/Polish couple and being quite literally the black sheep of the family is not something people expect the hear in my backstory. Instead of being raised in the family that people would assume, my upbringing was an adventure.. we travelled which allowed me to learn so much about and appreciate other cultures and languages. I am very grateful that my parents allowed me to try anything I wanted to do which helped build who I am today – my strength from sprot and gymnastics, and my musical talent enhanced by playing in the orchestra. Their decision not to send us to boarding school but take us with them to Seychelles while my mother (a special needs teacher) taught us herself a year ahead, inspired to me know that I can do anything. My rebellious side may also have had something to do with that!

What makes you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?

Zita: My natural dreadlocks (twisted by myself over the last 3 years), which is not something I’ve seen so often in the modelling world. MY natural eyelashes through many believe that I wear falsies! My energy and zest for life in general helps me let loose on set and the fact that I’ve not been trained in “how-to-be-a-model” definitely allows my quirky, bubbly nature be reflected in my photos.

What are the major Upcoming Events & Unforgettable Moments or products/services that you want to promote/inform our readers about?

Zita: I would love to promote both Ann Summers and Chanel – These are two of my favourite brands and it would be an honour to take part in advertisement campaigns with them – Ann Summers helps us women get in touch with our feminine and sexy side. Coco Chanel is my personal favourite – I feel it sums me up in one scent, strong, a little mystery but still an elegant lady. I would also be very interested in promoting fitness as this is a passion of mine and something I focus on in my daily life.

What are your diet preferences and physical appearance?

Zita: I am a lover of salad but in general I do eat whatever I fancy. I try to maintain a balanced diet as I am very much about keeping fit but will treat myself to some Haribo or Wotsits every now and then.

What Expert Advice would you like to share with the readers about professional and social field of life?

Zita: I think the most valuable piece of advice I pass on to people is to be true to yourself and who you are as this the only way you truly grow as a person. Society can be very judgemental making it easy to lose sight of yourself, and we can often be influenced to behave in a way that takes us outside our character. This can side-track us from our goals and be detrimental to our progression in the working environment as well. Always remember who you are and be true to yourself.

Social Media Platforms:

Instagram: @pose_likezita