Susan Gouveia is the Founder of Society of Garden Goddesses® “My love of gardening led me to my discovery that there was a need for women to connect & share their adventures, tips, and struggles in the garden. By hosting monthly dinners- “Garden Chat”- we have all grown tremendously in our gardening knowledge.”
“We share tips, recipes and lots of laughs!” I wanted to take the seriousness and chore out of gardening and cooking and get people excited about experimenting with food grown in one’s own garden. I have been creating my own recipes and teaching children for 40 years!
Now, Susan Gouveia has the ever popular cookbook: Recipes from the Garden Goddesses for Cuisine, Health & Beauty available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Recipes-Garden-Goddesses-Cuisine-Health/dp/B0CKV56948
Open this book to find a culinary adventure of creative, healthy, and natural recipes for meals, beauty, and wellness! Eighteen culinary explorers share favorite family recipes and inspire you to experiment with fresh ingredients that nourish the mind, body, and soul.
Set up a playdate in the kitchen and discover: vegetarian and raw dishes; gluten-free and plant-based desserts; artisan herbal bread; versatile international sauces; healthier Thanksgiving dishes; comfort foods and health-supporting tonics; natural body scrubs, sprays and oils. Cooking fresh and with love is one of the best gifts you can give yourself, your family, and your community! https://www.gardengoddesses.org
Susan Gouveia As Cover Story – November 2023 Edition
Please share your background.
Susan Nelson Gouveia has been passionate about foraging the land for food and medicine ever since she was a child. She began cooking family meals when her mom cut her loose in the kitchen. She rarely ever watched TV and has an on-going lust for creativity.
“When I decided to be my authentic self and go back to who I was at nine, my world changed and my tribe evolved. Today, I am living a passionate life with great friends, family, food, and creative projects.”
Susan graduated from UC Berkeley is currently a bestselling author, private chef and culinary teacher. She spends her days writing recipes, entertaining, homesteading, and learning new things at Garden Goddess Farm—her “university,” as her son calls it.
Website: gardengoddesses.org
Childhood to Adulthood – How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?
I grew up in the suburbs of the East Bay of San Francisco. Grade School bored me so I took the opportunity in college to do exchange programs at the University of Alabama and Spain and graduated from UC Berkeley. I traveled a lot and that exposed me to several risky situations which I successfully managed to escape from. This is when I decided to learn know more languages so I could connect with other cultures
Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?
Divorce #1 , I ended up bankrupt and had to start all over again. My first husband cleaned out my accounts and spent my childhood nest egg. Additionally the rest of my family was conned as well. Tough lesson!
Divorce #2 Another heart-breaking and expensive mistake. But my ex and I have remained friends and we have successfully worked together to co-parent our kids.
I have had health challenges and broken bones over the years but I brought my body back to balance with the help of using food as medicine.
What do people usually not know about you?
People know me for my amazing healthy recipes. They don’t know that some of my favorite snacks are cheese puffs, Dots candy, lots of mayo & bacon on my gourmet grilled cheese. I know how to say Please, Thank you and Hello in 10+ languages. I started my own businesses from the age of 11 years old.
What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?
When I became more authentic and my true self I tended to attract like-minded people.
I like to speak honestly with people. Gossip bores me and tells me a lot about the person doing it. I look for situations that benefit both parties. I love to collaborate.
What are your upcoming major events – Unforgettable Moments or products/services that you want to promote/inform?
I have 3 more books I am getting ready to publish.
My on-line cooking class series in 2024. In the Kitchen with Susan Gouveia. You will learn:
- How to Make Easy & Delicious Nutrient Dense Meals
- Kitchen Coaching. How can I help you?
- Pantry Foraging. Got something you don’t know what to do with?
- Meals on a budget
- Easy Gardening Tips
Your love life, relationships and family?
I chose to be single for a few years until I met someone that I wanted to commit to and give it my all. I am currently in an easy and amazing relationship. The decades of being married gave me a lot of practice!
I have created a beautiful tribe of friends and we are always looking for ways to improve our community and stay connected. We are solution based in our approach to activism and have made many positive changes.
I was raised in a family that supported my creativity and entreprenurial spirit. I hardly ever watched TV and my parents were always exposing us to DIY projects in the woodshop, garden, arts and crafts room and in the kitchen.
What expert advice would you like to give?
Build a tribe that represents your passions, integrity and humanitarian causes.
Please share your social media handles and website links.
@GardenGoddessFarm – Instagram

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.