Sakshi Jain is a good singer, writer, speaker and orator. She is a political enthusiast and pursuing diploma in governance and government. TheCelebrity.Online recently reached Sakshi Jain to bring forward her ‘untold story’ to the world. She has used the lockdown period to learn and achieve things. During this, Sakshi Jain got an opportunity to lead and become president at an organization called “illuminer counsel”. The organization basically helps students to boost their skills and knowledge through discussion and various activities. And right now she has 50 students working under her supervision.
Here are Sakshi Jain’s Social Media Handles where you can contact her:
Below you will be able to read how an ordinary Indian girl sees the world from her point of view. And, what difficulties she has faced in her life journey.
Sakshi Jain: “I Missed My Mom”
Born into a traditional orthodox high profile Jain family, I hail from a very small town “Tikamgarh” Madhya Pradesh. As I said ‘high profile’ it means in terms of respect and attention my family used to get. It was because my grandfather was a freedom fighter and many local politicians and bureaucrats often visited him. So, it’s kind of official environment all the time.
I was the only girl child among my 7 elder cousin brothers. So, it’s obvious that I used to get much more love and care than others. I have spent first six years of my life with my grandfather. Becasue, both of my parents were working in the government’s education sector. My mother had to travel about 100 kms daily to her school where she was a teacher in a remote village.
As a child, I had this complain or wish that I haven’t spent enough time with my mother as a normal child do. There were times when my friends used to talk that after school their mom comes to pick them up, serves food, pamper them and help them in their homework. But, for me things were different, my grandpa was everything to me at that time.
He used to give me a newspaper even when I haven’t learnt to read. But, thanks to him that because of that, it became my habit to read newspaper everyday till now. I learnt reading and writing myself and I was a very bright student since childhood.
The Dream To Become An IAS Officer
As I mention my grandpa was a freedom fighter he took me to republic day and independence parade in official functions. And, there he introduced this 5 year old girl to the IAS officer of our district.
It was so startling to see him for the respect and honor he was receiving. It was so fascinating that out of curiosity, I asked him “why you are hosting the flag, why not my grandpa? He is elder than you.” He chuckled at my question and replied, “Be an IAS officer when you grow up, then you only will be hosting the flag.
And that was the moment. Since then I have never thought of becoming anything else, I know its sound dramatic as I was just a 5 year old girl. But, for me, the seed was sown. After the demise of my grandfather the very next year, my father guided me in everything, every decision I made. Moreover, he always respected my views and emotions regarding my career and future.
Not only him, my teachers have recognized this and always have supported me. As I said I was a very bright student I became head girl of my school In class 10 itself. And, this clearly doesn’t mean that I was a book worm or anything like that. I was very naughty girl with an innocent face, always used to sit on last bench and did everything that “back benchers” do. But, at the same time I performed well in exams and class tests. So, things get remunerated there. I passed out my class 10th with 9.8 cgpa. And then went Choithram School Indore for higher studies.
Sakshi Jain: “I Used To Cry A Lot”
Choithram was a very big and reputed school and I took admission in humanities stream and as a hosteller there. People in my hometown thought “humanities” as a subject for those who don’t have interest in studies. And that it is considered in very lower category of subjects, my father has gone through a lot of things. It included taunts and comments that – he is sending his daughter out for studies at the age of 16… she will get spoiled, why spending so much money for humanities?
But he knew that my passion for studies and my craving for opportunities to flourish my personality and skills are never ending. And, that I am glad that he respected this and ignored all those things just to fulfill my dreams.
The real struggle started since then, the struggle of being known, the struggle to adjust between people. It also included to have different type of personalities. Hailing from a small town to this big city was quite daring for me as I was not having enough confidence. I was not sure if I will be able to get what I am looking for?
I felt like “ishaan from movie taare zameen par” I remember I used to cry a lot and at the same time there was that fire within me to achieve something. The passion to do something to make a place between these new people. And, then within 15 days of my admission, I got selected in the quiz competition at “loksabha tv” and won the same.
Every Other Day, A New Challenge
That was the start of my journey. I learnt something new everyday, made a lot of friends, participated in national and international events, MUNs, flourished my skills of public speaking and writing and stood out different among others. I passed out with 91% grades and achieved the third position in my stream. Looking back, I realize it was a journey so difficult mostly mentally and personally.
As I was a teenager, there were a lot of things changing for me both emotionally and physically. And that state was very dynamic, everyday was a new challenge. Every day I had to find a new way to make things work out for me and some days it was really heartbreaking. But, it was that time only which made me strong and resilient as a person. And, made me understand the value of patience and self love.
After that I got admission In Delhi University, as the cutoff was high and my percentage were not up to the mark, I got ba programme in history and political science and spend some most beautiful initial 6 months of my college life, again I was so active in competition, being a member of NSS carrying out various projects. Teaching slum children and feeding stray dogs were part of my routine as a NSS volunteer and I really have cherished those moments that will be there with me for life.
I Used The Pandemic Lockdown As An Opportunity
Then came this pandemic, where every hope, wishes and dreams were shattered, about college life and number of plans. It was the toughest and rarest time for me and I would say that I have build myself in this one year so much that I wasn’t able to do in past 4 years of my life.
Depression, anxiety, stress, I have experienced everything, literally every emotion in this tough time. And, the thing that made me stand strong and unharmed was my zeal, my determination to stand out different from others. Again there are various restrictions in my hometown which was difficult for me to cope up with. Like all the restrictions a girl faces in a traditional middle class Indian family. But, somehow I adjusted, and understood things in a hope that everything will be fine soon! It’s suffocating sometimes but the way I have trained my mind and soul is helping me all the way around.
Sakshi Jain: “Seeking A Career In Civil Services”
Also I am a youth delegate at confederation of young leaders, where I am in delegation with ambassador of different countries as well as ministers and leaders of India. And currently looking forward for internship in various government departments. I want to pursue my career in civil services in future and I am very dedicated and passionate about it.
I am much into philosophy and meditation since teenage and I believe “peace” is my religion, it doesn’t depend either you go to temple, mosque, church or gurudwara. Worship peace, go where you find solace within and able to understand the true essence of life.
I think both meditation and yoga has helped me a lot in self control, motivation, determination and help me to focus on important things. Apart from this, if you are at peace within you will find peace everywhere around you and attract positivity. It will help you to practice patience, and you can work better to achieve your goals.
Sakshi Jain: “Never Pay Attention To The Negative Comments”
My life has always been a great experience till now. I try to never miss out an opportunity that comes in my way. Becausem, I believe that every opportunity is a way to learn something new and different. No matter what, even if u think you are not qualified enough or good enough for it, still accept it. And, trust me it will always help you move forward in life by enhancing your knowledge and skills.
Try to use maximum of your time in building yourself, working thing out and understand that you don’t need anyone to love you, you are enough for it and that self love is the biggest flex in life, it can make you achieve wonders , which u think are impossible to achieve. I have always received negative comments about my body complexion and that I am so thin. A lot of body shaming comments from my family, friends, relatives were being passed but looking down on myself was never an option.
Do Not Only Settle For The Money
Be the master of your own life, lead your way yourself, trust yourself and trust the process , just perform your best without thinking for the end result and things will automatically fall on the right place at the right moment. This is not something I read on Google or “words of wisdom”, I am sharing this out of my personal experience. People will come in your life and they will leave too, you will have to learn to welcome them and say goodbye to them in the same ways because it’s what life is!
Remember that nothing is bigger than your dreams and aspirations, nothing is bigger than yourself. Just achieve and learn enough that when u will look back to your life at your deathbed, you feel proud that I have lived this masterpiece. Money and luxury is something which everyone wants. But, don’t settle here, earn peace, earn love, earn a family who loves and see you with proud in their eyes and that’s what we call a “life”. Be constant, focus and dedicated and you will do wonders.

Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.