Pere Ibañez is a wonderful visual artist from Barcelona, Spain . TheCelebrity.Online has recently interviewed this amazing figure for the cover story feature. Below is the Q&A session we had with Mr. Pere.
How do you introduce yourself?
Pere Ibañez: I’m a visual artist from Barcelona, Spain with a studio in Beijing, China since 2007. I’ve released 6 photo-books during the last 12 years and been known for doing dark-themed works. I’m about to release a new photographic series and book which drifts far from my past works.
How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?
Pere Ibañez: I studied filmmaking in Barcelona and as much as I loved my city, family and friends; I remember feeling that I had to see more. I’ve always had a fascination with Asia, so as soon as I became independent I moved to China – directly from my parents home to Beijing. That period wasn’t easy since I had to live on my own for the first time in a foreign continent with a foreign language and culture, but it was all worth it.
Struggle – What hardships have you faced during your life?
Pere Ibañez: It’s no secret that I’ve always battled with depression, it’s like this entity that’s haunted me for most of my life. Over the years I’ve learn to tame it and channel it through my works. In fact, they are so entangled, that I don’t know where one ends and the other begins.
What things people usually do not know about you?
Pere Ibañez: I’m quite private and I mostly have kept my profesional and personal life separated, so there is plenty not known. But if I had to say a few, apart from majoring in arts I’m an animal lover and I’m currently enrolled in veterinarian studies and doing a master in canine education. Art is my first love, but there are many other fields that make for a whole fulfilled life.
What make you unique from the rest of people?
Pere Ibañez: I’m very versatile and I like to defy expectations. I don’t really compare myself to other artists, I don’t see them as competitors either. I think there is a market and a space for everything and everybody, in the same way that I’ve always believed there is a market and a place for my works.
What are your major upcoming events?
Pere Ibañez: On February 24 I’ll be releasing my new photo-series and book ‘Dream On, We’re Almost Home’. This new collection is quite different from my past works. With this new pieces I feel I managed to bring light out of very dark times and I’m quite proud of it.

What expert advice would you like to share?
Pere Ibañez: I don’t know if I’m really qualified to give proper advice, but I tend to believe that we have to listen to our instincts and follow them when it comes to art and creation. Also I guess it has worked for me to stop trying to please everybody and just do what I think is right, regardless of the outcome.
What are your social media links?
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/pereibanez
- Website: www.pereibanez.com

Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.