Patricia Samuels-Cameron was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. Patricia.
Patricia Samuels-Cameron As Cover Story Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online March 2023 Edition
How do you introduce yourself?
Patricia Samuels: I am Patricia Samuels-Cameron, daughter to Gifford and Pam, mother to KC and Naani. I currently work as the Director of Customer Service in the sales and manufacturing field. My primary responsibilities include training and working directly with all Regional Customer Service Managers, and Customer Service Specialists to provide exceptional cradle-to-grave quoting and ordering for our fabulous customers. I enjoy scrubbing and disseminating data, the reports highlight our achievements, show where improvement is needed, and help us to maintain compliance. I relish liaising with several departments to resolve any issues that arise. My diverse background in sales, supply chain, customer service, counseling, and teaching demonstrates my adaptability to pivot in any field.
How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?
Patricia Samuels: My childhood to adulthood was challenging in terms of navigating being a West Indian immigrant. When I migrated to the United States in 1986, I was very shocked at the questions I received from my high school classmates:
Did you live in a hut?
What kind of clothes do you wear in Jamaica?
What do you eat?
Where did you learn to speak English?
The best part of my childhood was living in Jamaica, living the life of school, church, family, friends, fun, food, beach, and repeat.
The worst part of my childhood was being teased for blemishes on my legs from mosquito bites. This played a huge role in failing PE because I ultimately refused to participate in swim class.
Struggle – What hardships have you faced during your life?
Patricia Samuels: My personal hardship: I was diagnosed with Graves disease and experienced all the symptoms: anxiety, hand tremor, heat sensitivity, weight loss, puffy eyes, and enlarged thyroid. However, with the care of my Endocrinologist, I did not have to undergo thyroid surgery. Now I maintain a low-stress level and drama-free life and this has contributed to being medication free
My professional hardship: I worked at an organization where my direct manager held back promotion even though I met all the requirements to move to the next level. When I checked off all the requirements another one or two was added. I gave her the benefit of the first denial, but I caught on to what she was doing the second year, and I eventually resigned.
What things people usually do not know about you?
Patricia Samuels: I am an over-analyzer and planner to a fault. It’s difficult for me to turn off my brain and just go with the flow. I plan most of my trips a year in advance. I color for stress relief, it is a welcoming activity from the computer and phone screens.
What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?
Patricia Samuels: I’m particularly adept at working with different personalities and have the ability to easily empathize with and relate to people. I would say my background in Psychology has helped with this. I also stay in my own space and do not compete with anyone for anything.
What are your major upcoming events?
Patricia Samuels: I participate in Global Mentorship Initiative (GMI) as a mentor to underserved college students to prepare them for their first career/job. I have benefited from this program as I continue to see the world from a multi-perspective view. I encourage anyone to check out https://globalmentorship.org/.
I had a really memorable birthday trip to Egypt (thanks to my sister) in 2021. We walked in the footsteps of the Pharaohs on a fascinating city and cruise experience in Egypt. Discover the secrets of the Great Pyramids in Cairo and unearth the history behind the iconic Valley of the Kings. We spent 3-nights under the stars on a full-board Nile River cruise and delighted in the sights of Aswan, atmospheric Kom Ombo, eternal Edfu, and the magical Temples of Luxor.
What expert advice would you like to share?
Patricia Samuels: Expert advice to share are;
- Wake up each day with gratitude, you have a chance to do over and do better.
- No task is beneath you. Don’t put yourself above anyone or anything; work hard in silence and let success make the noise.
- Be patient and persistent. Life is not so much what you accomplish as what you overcome.
- Don’t try to impress anyone. The unhappiest people are those who care the most about what other people think.
- Don’t be afraid of being afraid. Sometimes the one thing you need for growth is the one thing you are most afraid to do.
- Learn something new every day. Have the mindset of a student.
What are your social media links?
Patricia Samuels: LinkedIn; https://www.linkedin.com/in/patricia-s-46b82222/
Instagram; @patsamcam

Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.