Paisley Blackburn Exclusive Interview – ‘Don’t Let That Get You Down’
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Paisley Blackburn was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

Paisley Blackburn As Exclusive Cover Story – July 2023

How do you introduce yourself?

Paisley Blackburn: Hi my name is Paisley Blackburn. Originally from Florida, I have lived in several states, but I am now a current resident of Indiana and have been since 2009. I am an actress, model, writer, director, and mother of two wonderful children.

Childhood to Adulthood – How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad
and good things you remember?

Paisley Blackburn: As a child I was very sheltered by my mother so there were a lot of things I was unprepared for as I entered adulthood such as how to cook and learning to watch out for predators who prey on empaths like me. While my mother and I did have a tumultuous relationship at times, I do believe that her heart was in the right place. She never wanted me to go into the acting industry which was a major source of contention between us, but I believe now that it wasn’t because she thought I was untalented.

Rather I believe it was because she knows how brutal the entertainment industry is, and she didn’t want to see me get used and discarded as happens to so many actors and actresses.

There were many good times, however, as she was very proud of how well I did in school and would often take my siblings and I to fun places like Disney World and The Mystery Fun House. She really did try her best to be a good mom, and I firmly believe that she did what she felt was best in her childrens’ interests.

Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?

Paisley Blackburn: As a child and teenager I was constantly bullied for being smaller in height than the other students as well as being a very smart student who strived to earn a 4.0 GPA every semester as I constantly pushed myself to be the best I could be even though my parents never pushed me. I pushed myself which was probably detrimental to my mental health.

After I graduated high school at the age of 18 I have known nothing but poverty. I began college as a Forensic Science major but later switched to Chemistry as I felt there were more job opportunities by expanding my major to include jobs that I would have been unable to get with a Forensic Science degree alone. After about two and a half years of constantly studying to earn very high grades, I had become burnt out and decided to drop out to pursue acting as that is the career I had always dreamed of as a child.

I learned really quick though that dropping out wasn’t in my best interest as I became saddled with a large amount of predatory student loans. I wish that I had just changed my major to Film/Theatre/Acting so I had a baccalaureate to show for all of my hard work, but hindsight is always 20/20.

What do people usually not know about you?

Paisley Blackburn: I do a lot of research into current events and conspiracy theories. As a Chemistry major I had planned to minor in Physics so I have been following the Titan submersible tragedy religiously. I also followed the Idaho murders that occurred in 2022 as I was fascinated with how quickly they were able to capture the culprit who ironically was studying to earn a PhD in Criminology.

The technology we have today pretty
much guarantees that few criminals will actually get away with their crimes. I find true crime stories
fascinating, and the more I learn the more I work hard to keep myself and my children safe from the type of predators that manipulate and harm innocent people. One of my favorite hobbies is puzzles. Jigsaw, crossword, logic…I just love solving puzzles. I can solve the Rubik’s cube in 2 different algorithms (shamelessflex lol)

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?

Paisley Blackburn: I extensively research all of my roles so that I can make sure my characters are believable, and I treat every role I earn with the utmost respect. I am not in the entertainment industry for fame and fortune as I have seen the dark side to pursuing that. I am completely happy being an independent film actress who gets
paid for her hard work, and I believe that my work ethic is very strong and has taken me far both in the industry and in life.

Nothing comes easy for me, and I believe that by pushing myself to be the best entertainer and person I can be makes me a valuable asset to any production that I am a part of. I believe in always showing up extremely early for my film roles and am very prepared so that we only have to do one
or two takes as I value my time and other people’s time. Films are definitely a team effort, and I strive to make sure every person working on the film are given the credit they deserve.

What are your upcoming major events?

Paisley Blackburn: I am currently preparing to earn a two year degree in the field of Cybersecurity as I am very tech oriented and feel that a degree in IT would be a great day job that is lucrative and a field that I would definitely enjoy as I work towards my goal of becoming a full-time working actress within the next year. I am flexible though and if it takes longer than a year then I will adjust my life accordingly. I currently have 3 projects that
are going to start shooting soon so I am already preparing for my roles so that I can portray the characters in a believable and respectful way.

I am also currently planning some modeling shoots as well as writing some comedic skits that I can post on my social media accounts. I have some ideas for feature films that I would like to start writing in the not too distant future, but I will take my time as I believe in doing lots of research before I even begin writing anything.

What are your food preferences and physical attributes?

Paisley Blackburn: I wouldn’t say I have any food preferences per se, but I am working on eating a lot more healthy foods and will be working with a nutritionist who can guide me on that path. I have to be careful though because being hypoglycemic if my sugar drops too low I start to feel dizzy so that is definitely something to consider as I start to plan my new healthy diet.

What is unique about me is that I fall under the title of ethnically ambiguous so I can play a lot of different characters that require dark hair and brown eyes. Being 5’2” tall and about 115 lbs does work in my favor for a lot of the roles I audition for.

Your love life, relationships and family?

Paisley Blackburn: I’m currently single by choice as I want to focus on myself right now so that I can be the best person I can be. I’ve struggled with insecurity for as long as I can remember so I wouldn’t be able to make someone else happy if I am not happy with myself. I have an incredible best friend who lives in Kentucky and helps me make smart choices in the acting industry as her daughter is an actress whom I’ve worked with many times.

I have a strong relationship with my brother and father, but my mother sadly passed away in November. I keep a picture of her on my fridge and talk to her daily about how my life is going. Sometimes I cry when I’m talking to her as I often wish she was still here so I could just talk to her in person about the things going on in my life and ask for guidance. Her favorite holiday was Christmas, and I know she would be so proud of me for doing a Christmas themed movie called The Rose Wagon.

What expert advice would you like to give?

Paisley Blackburn: My best advice to any aspiring actor is to know that there are always going to be jealous haters who try to put you down for pursuing the career you love. Don’t let that get you down. Keep your chin up and keep working hard on your goals. Acting is highly competitive, but it’s a numbers game so the more training you do and the more auditions you get the more likely that you will start booking jobs. It will take a lot of time, but if it is what you really want then don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t do it.

I do believe that you should definitely have a good paying day job that is flexible because it does cost a lot of money to be an actor with headshots, classes, demo reels, etc.

Your social media handles and website links?

Paisley Blackburn: