Nathan Stubbs Exclusive Interview -‘How Bad You Think Your Life Is, There Is Someone Else Who Is Worst Off Then You’
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Nathan Stubbs was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with him.

How do you introduce yourself and profession?

Hi, am Nathan, am a building site laborer and model !! ( after a couple of days I tell them am generally a c£&t and I don’t form personal connections)

Childhood to Adulthood – How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things you remember?

My childhood I now know was not normal my teenage years I was told as long as the police don’t knock on the door do what you what.
My early 20s was substance therapy, late 20’s I was sober.
Early 30s I erased everybody from my life and started again
Late 30’s I ending up homeless two years after being re-homed I start a career as a model.
But I had and have an amazing and fantastic life.

Struggle – What hardships you faced during your life?

Fitting into general society as someone who was born without the social genetic material to gossip, require gossip or any other Irrelevant information about a third party.

Things that people usually don’t know about you?

I took a vow of celibacy !! After hitting double figures.
I still have my childhood teddy and snuggly cover.
Am Mary Berry’s biggest fan !!
I still love the Vengaboys.

What makes you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?

I was born unique !! Almost an evolutionary human being !! The lack of the tribal instinct is an advantage as much as a disadvantage.

What are the major Upcoming Events & Unforgettable Moments that you want to inform our readers about?

Am hoping my social media pages going to be a major unforgettable moment an up-and-coming event

What are your diet preferences, physical appearance, sizes and measurements?

Am on a low caffeine, sugar , gluten and starch high protein natural diet.

Am slim build with an heritage Saxon look !!

Chest 37 “” waist 36 “” hips 37 “” 177 cm 78 kg size 10

What Expert Advice would you like to share with the readers about professional and social field of life?

No matter how bad you think your day or life is, there is someone else who is worst off then you !!

Social Media Platform:

Instagram: @Nathan_stubbs1984