Welcome to our Exciting Exclusive Interview with Adonis”van”J, a renowned international independent movie producer who has made a significant impact in the independent film industry overseas! In this interview we delve in Adonis”s creative process, his inspirations, and his thoughts on the future of filmmaking.
Welcome back Adonis”van”j we interviewed you last year! Glad to be able to get another interview! SO tell us how did Adonis”van”j first venture into the world of movie production?

Adonis van j: First off thank you guys for interviewing me the first time and this time! What a great company this is by showcasing various people across the entertainment industry! Well my very first venture into movie production actually came from my creative writing teacher in high school! I wrote such an amazing script and read it in front of the class which gave me a standing ovation! My creative writing teacher MRS Gowan gave me an A+++! She literally begged me not to stop writing it was my calling in life! And I see she was right!
What are some notable independent films that Adonis”van”j has worked on?
Adonis”van”j: Wow (laughing ) bear with me this will be a LONG answer! I’ve produced directed and wrote a few! My pride and joy which is my very first one, I actually and still currently making money from is called “Tales from Inside The Mind of A Psychotic Pisces” which is currently available on Vimeo on demand! I got the idea after being a huge fan of tales from the crypt! It’s a series of episodes! I & II can be seen now! Episodes III & IV & V are currently in pre production and the entire season will be available by August 25 2024! I also have 2 different teen comedy sitcoms that are currently available on Vimeo on demand! They are both still being currently filmed live in the Philippines and in Argentina South America! One is called “ANN knows ALL” which follows a 19 year old senior still trying to finally graduate high school as she’s embarrassed she’s the oldest there! She has a best friend named Yoshi who can’t seem to find a girlfriend so he follows her around, and ANN has a rival simply knows as DEBRA! The other show is called “AMBAR”S World”, which follows a 16 year old around Argentina as her annoying mother plans to ruin whatever she wants to do! I want to give a shout out to “ANN” she’s a remarkable talent extremely beautiful actress who has been in various other films I’ve produced such as “My American Therapist Should have Listened” III & V. I also will like to acknowledge “AMBAR”she’s a very remarkable talented young woman! She’s a delightful woman!

Interesting! Tell us Adonis”van”j how did you come across to meeting the young actress AMBAR?
Adonis”van”j: Let’s see actually it was her Mother/Manager MARIA Eugenia who introduced me to her! Maria Eugenia has worked on a couple films my company “PISCESGOWAYYYDEEPENTERTAINMENT” produced such as “My American Therapist Should Have Listened II and the HILARIOUS upcoming comedy movie “MONICAAA it’s Saturday” which will be available this spring (may 2024) on Vimeo on demand! We was chatting after the filming of the last film and she said she has a daughter that’s a model and trying to break into the film industry and after seeing her daughters talent she asked what can I do for her! So I brainstormed and decided to create and give her, her own teen sitcom series! It’s a 6 episode series for the first season. it will be 3 seasons total and the final episode of the first season I’m going to fly out to Argentina South America and make an appearance on the show! After filming, it will be seen on local television in Argentina! So we are ALL super excited about that!
How does Adonis”van”j approach the process of assembling a talented cast for his films? What factors play a crucial role in decision making?

Adonis”van”j: Truthfully is very easy! I’ve noticed actors and actresses from across seas are more passionate about being good on camera! Being a good actor or actress comes 2nd to wanting to be a celebrity! That’s why majority of my films are with actor and actresses from the Philippines, Argentina South America, and Indonesia!
What do you think about the entertainment industry overall?
Adonis”van”j: Well the independent film industry is as strong as ever! I really enjoy working with international actors and actresses and attending international film festivals! In North America it’s very difficult and I’ll explain why! Too many rather be or act like they’re celebrities instead of being what they are actors and actresses! Meaning the passion is not there like it was in the 1980s 1990s and the early 2000s! Another thing WAY TO MANY People act like they actually Know these celebrities (laughing) like what’s currently going on with music mogul Sean “Puffy Combs”! These are grown women he is supposedly having sex with! Not little girls! Nobody forces grown adults to do anything they don’t want to do willingly! UNLESS ( quote me on that) something tragic comes out of this I FULLY STAND in SUPPORT of Sean”Puffy Combs!

Can Adonis”van”J share any behind the scenes or interesting experiences from working on a particular film in the independent film industry?
Adonis”van”j: Let’s see! A have a couple! There is a particular new actress from a small village that I’m currently working with on a short film. who is literally going to bring her baby with her and come work aboard on a few films that she will be the either the main actress or a supporting actress! I told her you guys was going to interview me but she ask me not to reveal her name just yet! But I can say she’s HILARIOUS and a great person to work with extremely passionate!.. let’s see the small cast of “ ANN KNOWS ALL” are all very talented and good nature people! After we finish up filming the last episode they asked me to take them to this AMAZING restaurant in the Philippines and I send sure bills on me (laughing) so in return they will take me to the hottest clubs the Philippines has to offer and we all will be staying in a 5star resort the entire couple weeks I’ll be in town! I CANNOT wait for that!
What advice would Adonis”van”j give to aspiring movie producers who are looking to make it in the movie industry?

Adonis”van”j: Truthfully stay INDEPENDENT! It’s very easy now! Do not give any of your films away to be viewed FREE! Post them on PAYING websites only! Find truly passionate people who actually enjoy being actors and actresses! Network attend INTERNATIONAL film festivals it’s much easier to network there!
Looking ahead Adonis van”j any other exciting projects or collaborations can we expect?
Adonis van j: “My American Therapist Should Have listened IV which is currently available now on Vimeo on demand. http://Vimeo.com/ondemand/myamericantherapistiv the very TALENTED PASSIONATE humble actress NATHALI from the beautiful exotic location of Sri Lanka! It was very exciting working with her! Also have another film entitled “OMG WOMEN NERDSSSSS” That will begin filming soon in Indonesia!! Another film which will begin filming entitled “ I can’t believe I gave my panties to a GEEK”… (laughing) BEST believe this comedy will be hilarious! The actor and actress I have in mind will make it good! It’s a throwback to cheesy comedy of the 1980s! I got the idea for the script and title from one of my favorite movies 16 candles! Shout out to the talented MOLLY RINGWALD!

Before we let you go, did you have any celebrity crushes growing up or still have them now?
Adonis van j: WOW! I remember my very first crush! And I mean I had it bad for her! It was the VERY BEAUTIFUL TALENTED TASTEFULLY Dressed LARK VOORHIES! For those who might not remember her she played Lisa turtle on save by the bell! I had a crush on the BEAUTIFUL actress CHARNELE BROWN! She played Kimberly Reese on a different world! Crush on the talented singer who’s no longer here with us, because some WEIRD fan killed her! SELENA Quintanilla! Crush on 16 candles star MOLLY RINGWALD! I can go on but I said more then enough (laughing).

Conclusion: We extend our heartfelt gratitude to mr Adonis”van “j for sharing his thoughts and insights and experiences with us! For farther information please visit the following website www.Piscesgowayyydeepentertainment.com

Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.