Mon Castro Exclusive Interview – ‘Take Every Opportunity That Is Given To You’
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Mon Castro was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

Mon Castro As Cover Interview – November 2023 Edition

How do you introduce yourself?

My name is Mon Castro, I’m an award-winning producer, writer, director, and script supervisor based in Los Angeles. I come from a multidisciplinary filmmaking background in Mexico City, but my true passion is producing. I mostly work in genre pieces and female led stories.

Childhood to Adulthood – How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?

I was lucky to have a very positive and supportive upbringing. Despite being the only member of my family who is in the film industry, I have never faced any judgment or doubts from them. The only aspect of my childhood that I would consider tricky was constantly attending very strict schools, which at some point made me doubt my own creativity. My mom jokes that their harsh rules are the reason why I now as an adult I always have unnatural hair colors. But I guess not all things are bad, as I believe my upbringing is the reason why I take everything I do so seriously.

Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?

I have a lower back condition that is the cause of my chronic pain. It got triggered a few years ago, and have been living with wavering levels of pain ever since. Despite doing my best to keep it in check, it is never fully gone. I have to work around it with everything I do, and stand strong for it to not get in the way of my career.

Another difficult aspect of my career has been being the only person in the room that looks like me, specially when I was starting out. Back in Mexico, I was the only woman in the production company that I worked in. I had to deal with constant misogyny and microagressions in the daily, in order to grow as a professional and kickstart my career. I am happy to say that I am in a much better position now and have found a community where I feel supported, but it was not always this way.

What do people usually not know about you?

All my life I have been perceived as a walking contradiction. Some people can’t wrap their heads around it. I can live for all things camp and kitsch and still hold my working standards to a very high level of professionalism (even if it sounds impossible to a lot of conservative individuals, given how many tattoos I have and how I enjoy having my hair dyed in unnatural colors). I can be the biggest horror person and still find a lot of joy in boybands, musicals and reality TV. I don’t think people should be put in molds and be expected to behave a certain way because of the way that they look, act, or the things that they feel passionate about.

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?

All my life I’ve been the type of person that strongly sets their head on to something and never looks back. Once I make a personal choice, it’s rare for me to change my mind. Not just because of an active decision of commitment and ethic, but because my heart genuinely stays in the same place. I’ve felt that way about filmmaking for years, even when it once seemed a far-fetched dream. I have an unwavering commitment not only to my craft, but to my personal growth as a producer. Might sound cliche, but I’m the most resilient person that I know. Truly, I never give up no matter how hard it gets. Perhaps it has to do with my always present optimism. I tend to find the fun side in everything I do. My cheerfulness, empathy, and social skills set me apart as a filmmaker.

What are your upcoming major events?

I am currently finishing my Thesis film at AFI Conservatory, so I am only one step away from being fully graduated. I will receive my Master’s Degree at just 25 years old: the youngest in my family to have one.

My film CUANDO VOLVIMOS A LA TIERRA, one of the finalists of the McDonald’s Spotlight Dorado program, will have its premiere at the renowned Academy Museum in Los Angeles in early December of this year.

Also, I am developing two feature films and an animated series, and, if things in the industry start looking better, I can hopefully start pre-production in 2024.

What are your food preferences and physical attributes?

Back in 2020, when my cat got sick, I promised to myself I would never eat an animal again. It has been one of the best decisions in my life, and I would never go back to be carnivore.

Your love life, relationships and family?

Romance has never really interested me that much. I consider myself demiromantic and asexual, only being able to feel romantic attraction towards a person after establishing a deep connection with them. But even then, my romantic attraction is always low and doesn’t happen very often. It has never been a priority of mine. However, I care a lot for platonic relationships. I have found a solid group of friends here in Los Angeles that I consider my chosen family. When it comes to blood family, I am very close to my mom.

What expert advice would you like to give?

Starting out, as long as you feel comfortable and safe (safety always go first), participate in everything that surrounds you. Get to know as many people as you can, and take every opportunity that is given to you. If you are interested in production, help out in as many sets as you can, and I promise you that people will remember you. You can never know what you might find and who you might meet, so always keep opening the doors around you. Always treat people with respect.

Your social media handles and website links?

  • Instagram: @moncastrob
  • Website:
  • LinkedIn: