Linda Nyamekye Exclusive Interview – ‘Work Hard In Everything As It Pays Off In The End’
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Linda Nyamekye is a wonderful mother and work in the financial sector as an Associate Director. TheCelebrity.Online has recently interviewed this amazing figure for the cover story feature. Below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. Linda.

How do you introduce yourself?

Linda Nyamekye: My name is Linda and I work in the financial sector as an Associate Director . I am a mum of 3 boys and live in Orpington in Kent.

How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?

Linda Nyamekye: My transition was to adulthood was ok, I had the usual insecurities about my appearance as a teenager but I am now very confident and love my body as an adult. The good things I remember was making memories with my friends at boarding school from the age of 11. The bad things I remember was having my heart broken by my boyfriends.

Struggle – What hardships have you faced during your life?

Linda Nyamekye: I faced Financial hardships when my kids were really young and I had to pay for childcare as well as the mortgage. Also finding the work life balance as a working mum when the boys were really young.

What things people usually do not know about you?

Linda Nyamekye: I am really bad at singing and dancing. I have a terrible voice although I love to sing and i don’t have a good rhythm.

What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?

Linda Nyamekye: I am very approachable, and always willing to help others. I am also good a prioritising and work very well under pressure.

What are your major upcoming events?

Linda Nyamekye:

Major upcoming events are my older son gong to Uni in 2024 and me turning the big 50 in 2025.

My unforgettable moments was becoming a mum for the first time and gaining a promotion at work.

I would like to promote products for natural hair.

What are your diet preference and physical measurements?

Linda Nyamekye:

I follow a healthy diet, drinking water and cutting down on my salt and sugar intake.

I am 5ft 3in tall, size 8, my measurements are bust 34, waist 29 and hips 39.

What expert advice would you like to share?

Linda Nyamekye: Work hard in everything that you do as it pays off in the end. Have fun along the way as life it too short.