Juanita Brown Exclusive Interview – ‘Keep your dating life and relationships private’
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Juanita Brown was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. Juanita .

Juanita Brown As Cover Story Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online February 2023 Edition

How do you introduce yourself?

Juanita Brown: My name is Juanita Brown also known as Juanita the Dating Coach and Matchmaker. I am a dating coach and matchmaker. I offer matchmaking, coaching, dating profile creations, classes and ebooks. 

How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?

Juanita Brown: I didn’t have the best childhood growing up. I grew up from extreme to another, meaning half of my life was spent with my mom and the other half with my dad. I’ve always been into school really heavy. I was and still am very much nerdy. Lol. Research is my happy place. Bad things I remember from growing up is not really being in loving environments. I dealt with a lot of emotional and physical abuse. Some good things I remember were being apart of the band and on the flag team. I was captain for 3 years straight of the flag team.

Those two things were my everything in high school. I even went to college specifically to join flag. I graduated number nine in my high school class. I went on to attend the illustrious Texas Southern University and I was a member of the Ocean Waves Flag Team. I became captain for the 2010 season. College was a great experience and I had the time of my life. I graduated with my bachelor’s degree in Political Science with a minor in speech communications. Education is key to be successful in anything in life, whether you go to college or not. I am a firm believer in you should never stop learning. 

Struggle – What hardships have you faced during your life?

Juanita Brown: I’ve faced so much that whenever I tell people my story, they are in shock at how well I carry it and use it to work towards success. I never want to ever let my past define me. I use my past  as a way of motivation.

I’ve been homeless meaning no money and sleeping on someone’s couch. I’ve walked miles and rode buses to get to and from jobs. I’ve even worked on jobs to barely make literally $17 to get paid the same day with people who were drug addicts or homeless. I would use that money to buy some food and bus fare to go to a real job. I have always worked hard for everything that I have. 

What things people usually do not know about you?

Juanita Brown: People don’t know that I’m extremely goofy and a big conspiracy theorists. I love to laugh and make jokes. When I initially meet people, I’m usually quiet and observant. Once I’m comfortable I let my personality out. I’m also a hopeless romantic. I truly believe in love and that everyone deserves a chance to experience love without trauma. 

What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?

Juanita Brown: The services I offer makes me different than my competitors. Also, being a black woman as well places me in a unique position. There is less than 5% of black matchmakers in the United States. In 2023 that is such a very small number.  I also take on a personalized approach with each client. I want to set them up for success for dating and relationships.

I want my clients to utilize my services once in exchange for a lifetime of happiness, which is why I offer coaching and classes to help ensure success. I am also currently enrolled in graduate school to become a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I get approached all of the time about offering counseling, so I will soon be able to add that service. 

What are your major upcoming events?

Juanita Brown: I have a Dating Masterclass that I just launched. My masterclass is a 10 step course that is designed to set each of my clients up with  success in the modern dating world of today. In this self-paced course clients will have access to several classes, ebooks, assignments and more. Clients will learn how to communicate effectively, date intentionally, attract and choose high quality partners, and so much more. 

What are your diet preference and physical measurements?

Juanita Brown: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don’t have set preferences because I think that everyone is created uniquely. I am more so a substance kind of person. For example, what are their ambitions, how do they handle stress, are they religious, thoughtful, caring, loving, family oriented etc. My biggest question is how can we both compliment each other meaning add value to each others lives. I think people put too much emphasis into the physical aspects of a person and they tend to miss out on phenomenal people.

What expert advice would you like to share?

Juanita Brown: My biggest piece of advice I can give, is to keep your dating life and relationships private. Not a secret, just private. You can keep a lot of potential drama and opinions out of your dating situations and relationships. At the end of the day it’s only about what you and the person want. That’s how you create a strong foundation of long lasting love. 

What are your social media links?

Juanita Brown: Instagram: www.instagram.com/juanita_thedatingcoach


Facebook: www.Facebook.com/unlockedheartsmatchmaking
