Jaylin Richardson was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with him.
Jaylin Richardson Interview As Cover Story – July 2024 Edition – TheCelebrity.Online Magazine
How do you introduce yourself?
Hello my name is Jaylin Richardson I am from Kansas City Kansas , I am a father, a brother, a son, and a athlete.
Childhood to Adulthood – How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?
Growing up in Kansas City Kansas in Wyandotte county it was tough. Throughout my upbringing I’ve witnessed gang violence, drug abuse, and many other things people would consider childhood trauma. My older brother Jake who is my one and only sibling (4 years apart in age) really guided me and helped me to be in the position I am today. Our parents were married but chose to split when I entered middle school. Despite my parents not being together anymore they kept a good relationship and still managed to most of my special and important events throughout my life. Living with my mom just my brother and I we had to grow up very quick, learning how to cook at young ages to feed ourselves and ultimately how to take care of each other.
Back tracking to my upbringing, I remember living on 34th street this was when I was young around 8-9 years old and my brother and I were outside playing basketball next to the drive through and a few minutes of hooping goes by and next thing you know coming down our street there’s a couple of suvs shooting back and forth at each other and they turned on our corner and continued chasing each other. Thankfully no one was injured between my brother and I, our house at the time had some wounds but that gives a picture of how my early upbringing was you know. Growing up in “the hood” shaped me into who I am today and ultimately pushed me to put my all into sports. I seen the good, bad, and ugly parts of life within “the hood” and growing up I knew that this life isn’t something I wanted for my kids. That’s something that’s stuck with me throughout my entire life and has fueled me into the hungry athlete that I am today. Now that I’m a father myself I have the opportunity to love, lead, and to present my kids with the best upbringing imaginable.
Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?
Countless amounts of death in my family due to gun violence and cancer.
House on 34th street was broken into while my family and I were out of town for one of my aau basketball tournaments. At the time the PS3 was popular which was stolen amongst other things.
What do people usually not know about you?
I am a gamer. In my free time I like to kick back and play my game. If I’m not on my xbox then I’m on my PC. Warzone is my favorite game by far right now but I enjoy playing madden, nba 2k, FIFA, etc.
What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?
Being a 2025 RB draft prospect I would say that at my position I can do it all. I’m an all down back who can catch the ball very well, run inside and outside, pass pro, special teams, etc. I feel like not a lot of guys can do it all in all phases of the game and I’m one of those guys that can. In life I’m more of a private person I’m just a man who takes care of his family and his loved ones off of the field.
What are your upcoming major events – Unforgettable Moments or products/services that you want to promote/inform?
9/7/24 Game 1 CSP vs UPPER IOWA
What expert advice would you like to give?
Always put in the work behind the scenes when no one is watching and be willing to bet on yourself.
Your social media handles and website links?
- Instagram: @jaylin1richardson
- Twitter: @d1prospect2020
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Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.