Invincible Erina Gabriel is 30 years old. She is a teacher by profession, having a Bachelors in Education degree. She is a single mother of a 2 years old boy. Erina is a combination patience and persistence.

Erina is a happy Go Lucky kind of person and is loved by everyone in the family. She always stands up for the people who are treated unjustly. Because she knows the feeling.
Erina Gabriel: Tough Row to Hoe
The most struggling period of her life was when she had to spend her pregnancy days alone. She would never want that to happen to anyone in her life. Because she knows how hard it is to live alone especially when you need someone the most.
Her passion is teaching and travelling. And she also loves taking pictures. She wants to capture all the memories if she gets a chance.

For Erina, her son is everything. She is living her life for him. All she wants for her family is to spread the love around wherever they go. Family of Erina is her strength and she is too close to her mother and younger sister. They helped her come out of the dark space she was in. So yes, they are the reason she has come this far in life.
Erina Gabriel: Humbling Experience of Life

Even the closest to you can hurt you. Trust no one. Erina’s been hurt by her closest friends but that didn’t stop her from getting up back and working for her passion. Life is a race, and we have to try our best to beat it.

As it is said that there is always light at the end of the tunnel, it is true. Because she has experienced it and is still doing it. God is the only one that can help you out in any situation and no one else. So trust in Him and move on.

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.