Elin-Margareta Nordin was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Ms. Elin.
Elin-Margareta Nordin As Cover Story Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online April 2023 Edition
How do you introduce yourself?
Elin-Margareta: My name is Elin-Margareta Nordin and I´m a Swedish actress, filmmaker, podcaster and performer. I started to act in my teens and have been on stage and in front of the camera. My craft has taken me to Los Angeles, London and back home to Sweden, I love it.
How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?
Elin-Margareta: I had a normal childhood, a good childhood, sure there were things going from being a kid to teen to adult but it has landed me here, today. I look back at my struggles as a child and teen with all of it and thinking, I went through that moment, that feeling, that heartbreak, that friendship, that loneliness, that set back but I’m here today, I´m happy and I love my life, my friends and my family. I remember all bad and good side by side, some is really painful and I´ll talk about it with people but when I feel like it.
Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?
Elin-Margareta: Struggles in believing in myself, being my worst enemy. When it´s filming I have this in my brain thinking that I can do everything on my own, I´m a walking production company that is too stubborn to admit when I need help but I have some really good friends and colleagues that knows when to step in and be like “you need a five minute coffee break”. My hardships are private but I can say that I´m happy that I wake up and live my life, that I got to go through hardships in life to get where I am today, there will probably be more to come but hey that is life.
I use to eat a lot and not being healthy but I found a gym that was perfect for me, I started to go out running and going to the gym is like going and brushing my teeth, I still eat but I´m happy, I love food and I love running, riding a bike, going to the gym, swim and just being active. Slowing everything down and stop to enjoy life is a amazing feeling, I watched one of my cats sit and enjoy the sun today and the other cat she loves to walk around and relax, that is what life is suppose to be. We have to enjoy the sun, enjoy walking around and know that hardships will always come in life but that is what life is all about, if I never had gone through difficulties in life than I could never enjoy sitting out in the sun, enjoy a cup of coffee, walking around and be on set, filming, rehears for a play, enjoy being me.
What do people usually not know about you?
Elin-Margareta: I really like being home, I think people know that about me but still, I used to party a lot but I really like to be home with my cats and watch YouTube or CSI, yes I´m boring. When people first meet me they are often shocked to find out that I love crime, scary things and that I spend time in the garden growing pumpkins and flowers. It is a surprise to them but when they look at the back of my head and they see hands sticking out from my head than they are not surprised, I have these hair pieces that are two hands that I often wear. They are from the Halloween collection but I express my ways with my clothes and hair pieces it really shows who I am and what I feel.
What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?
Elin-Margareta: I love what I do, I love my craft, my passion and I know that my competitors do the same with theirs but what sets me apart from them is that I´m me and that is it both work and in private. I have stopped to care so much about what others feel, the feelings of someone that won´t care about me, I will be compassionated about others but I will never ever let that dictate my life.
My family and friends are very direct people, they will show how they feel or say it, my two cats Hilda and Zelda had their first six months of life in hardship but now they are the most spoiled pampered cats ever, I follow their lead, it has to be on their terms with their lives. It is the same with life, my life is on my terms, not nobody else’s terms.
What are your upcoming major events?
Elin-Margareta: I´m working on a film, a short film that will be released soon, it is a horror movie, a short sequel for a horror feature Toy Box Killers and I work with journalist and writer Paul Bagnall on a horror series. My podcast is on a break but the episodes will be uploaded on YouTube, it will be short films for every episode, that will start soon. The next season for my podcast will come in the summer. There is a lot more that is being worked on at the moment.
I have been doing research, family research about my paternal grandfathers aunt who left Sweden and moved to USA, I found a lot, her homes, work, her life. There is papers all the way from 1913 and I asked my grandmother about Hedwig, I found papers with her photo on them and several houses that still stands today where she lived and speaking to a relative on her husband side, it is really amazing. I want to make a film or a series about Hedwigs journey, moving to another country on her own and leaving everybody, I feel close to her because I left Sweden for USA and later UK, I´m back in Sweden at the moment.
What expert advice would you like to give?
Elin-Margareta: If you want something done you better do it yourself because nobody is going to do it for you. I was told that years ago and I live by it. Also what I said about my cats and the terms of the person’s life.
What are your social media and other links?
Elin-Margareta: Elin-Margareta Nordin – IMDb
EMNordin Productions (elinmnordin.wixsite.com)
Elin-Margareta Nordin – Professional Profile, Photos on StarNow – (26) Elin-Margareta Nordin | LinkedIn

Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.