Dr. Joanne White was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.
Dr. Joanne White As Exclusive Cover Story – July 2023
How do you introduce yourself?
Dr. Joanne White: As a certified life, spiritual, leadership and business coach and energy master teacher, I’m passionate and committed to empower and support others to achieve greater health and wellness, master their own success, thrive and triumph. I’m also a multiple International #1 bestselling, award winning author, speaker, consultant and Goodwill Global Ambassador for civil and humanitarian work in education, entrepreneurship, coaching and women’s issues. In addition, as the Executive Producer and Host of the POWER YOUR LIFE Shows, I shine a light on the contributions of many other people and organizations to enrich, empower and inspire.
Childhood to Adulthood How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?
Dr. Joanne White: The transition was initially difficult since I unintentionally did ‘mirror writing’ as a child. My teachers weren’t able to decipher what I’d written unless they held it up to a mirror. The overarching belief was that I wouldn’t succeed in life. It took me a long time to release the immobilizing self-criticism brought on by the opinion of others. The understanding of neuro-divergent people is relatively new. Yes my brain works differently. Yet it contributes to my creative writing, empathic and intuitive knowledge and more.
I learned to be strong and self-reliant and taught myself to love and accept me despite my imperfections. We could all use more self acceptance and the celebration of ourselves and others’ uniqueness. I’m grateful for my parents who taught me independence, compassion and the acceptance of others which I bring into everything I do. It’s enriched my life and set the stage for my working with children with special needs, standing up against bullying, intolerance and prejudice, and helping individuals, couples, leaders and companies grow and succeed.
Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?
Dr. Joanne White: When I was younger, I had a knee and back injury that debilitated me for some time. The silver lining was that I sought out alternative ways to heal myself so I could walk, sit again and alleviate the constant pain. Since they were effective for me, I felt it was important to incorporate them into my coaching and counseling work. This expanded my career. I became certified in other modalities such as hypnotherapy, Alexander Technique, Eastern practices and more.
A few years ago, I had a severe head injury and concussion which compromised my ability to talk, think and interact and overly affected my sensitivity to light and sound. Although the road back was a difficult one, it gifted me with a wonderful feeling of gratitude: Gratitude for being alive, being able to connect with others, laugh, think, write, dance and love. We often take a lot for granted. When something life shattering and life altering happens, it puts so much in perspective. I’ve always been grateful for all that I’ve come through. Each time my gratitude has multiplied. The greatest takeaway from all the hardships is that my resilience, determination, inner strength and self-realization have increased.
What do people usually not know about you?
Dr. Joanne White: Most people don’t know that I was very shy growing up. I was also an adventuress, traveling by myself around the world at a young age, exploring and finding unknown trails, climbing mountains and bridges. I still enjoy it although I’m wiser and avoid potentially precarious risk-taking. Recently I’ve been openly sharing about my personal and professional challenges in books such as “Mission HOPE”, “Dare to Dream” and “WOKE”. My understanding is that it can help people believe that they can get past life hardships to be more fulfilled and flourish.
What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?
Dr. Joanne White: I believe I’m here to serve and am passionate, heart-centered and committed to working with others and helping them. I’ve always been very connected to my inner guidance, receiving messages which took some time to understand and explore them more deeply. This had enhanced my work with others. I’ve also help many people connect more deeply to their own inner knowing to further grow themselves. I’m also an empath and can pick up and discern information about others that’s not visibly apparent which helps me gain more clarity to assist others in their growth process.
My work background is very varied, Previously an adjunct professor at Temple University, an Executive Director for a comprehensive services program for children and youth with special need at Bancroft Inc., and later the Director of the Research, Evaluation and Training for the entire Bancroft facility. This is not said to toot my horn, but has increased my understanding to work with leaders, companies and organizations for staff enrichment/ training, program development and client-based enhancement.
Working with people with emotional, cognitive and other differences has facilitated my ability and understanding to help others with their own unique abilities and challenges to grow, succeed, feel good about who they are and prosper. I can also combine several modalities in my coaching and counseling sessions when appropriate which increases people’s achievement, and wellbeing.
What are your upcoming major events?
Dr. Joanne White: I’m a contributing author in another book anthology to be published August/September, working on my own book and screenplay. I am going to be on various upcoming shows and podcasts. The most immediate one is PAUSEPOWER CHALLENGE ONLINE SHOW on July 18th. I’m also to be featured in an upcoming magazine as a VIP in FYVn Magazine Finding Your Voice Magazine and will be featured on the Divine Spirit Network within a few weeks and more to come.
What expert advice would you like to give?
Dr. Joanne White: We’re here to grow ourselves. Despite setbacks, challenges and other people’s perceptions about us, we can overcome outdated beliefs, meet life’s difficulties with strength, courage and be successful and fulfilled. There are enough limitations in life, don’t be the one who limits yourself. Move beyond what’s been holding you back whether it is fear, doubt, lack of self-trust or anything else and view how far you can truly go. Don’t let the past define you or defeat you from moving forward in your life. Hold steadfast to your dream, passions and goals and follow your inner guidance to bring them into fruition and fulfillment.
Your social media handles and website links?
Dr. Joanne White:
www.drjoannewhite.com joanne@drjoannewhite.com
(856) 795-5854
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/docWhite2
My Power Your Life Radio Show: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/jo-anne-white
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/joanne.white.543
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jwpoweryourlife
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joannewhite

Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.