Diná Oliveira is a Teacher, Occupational Safety Technician and currently Cabinet Secretary, working in the Tourism area of the State of Bahia, Brazil. She is a 42 years old single lady and has no children.
Diná Oliveira As Cover Interview Story – TheCelebrity.Online January 2023 Edition
Childhood to Adulthood – How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things you remember?
Diná Oliveira: My childhood was wonderful, I had all the toys and many friends. And, suddenly adolescence arrived, at that time I remember well it was very difficult because I was full of complexes. I thought I was very tall and thin, full of pimples on my face, it was teased by my friends at school, if it was today I would say I was bullied.
Family life was also complicated with my father because he was in an extramarital relationship and had problems with alcohol. At that time he started to get rid of material goods to support his parties and his mistress, we just didn’t go hungry because my mother was always a warrior and started working selling fruit at the fair.
I remember that I was looking forward to turning 18 so I could work and be financially independent. But, it wasn’t like that… I actually managed to work, even before I was 18, at a research institute,
I remember that the job was arduous, very exhausting and dangerous, since the places where we did the research was wild.
With regard to friendships, I suffered a lot of racial prejudice on both sides. I’m brown, which means I’m black, but because I have a slightly lighter skin tone, the whites thought I was black and didn’t want to mix with me. And, the blacks thought I was white and they also looked down on me, so I never had many friends.
But despite the regrets I always felt very happy and blessed by God because our family was always very united, optimistic and warlike. My father had been wonderful until then, his only flaw was his affair and alcohol, but in my childhood he was a great father.
Struggle – What hardships you faced during your life?
Diná Oliveira: Some of the difficulties have been reported earlier. I signed up for a contest to choose a dancer from a famous group here in Brazil called “É o Tchan”. I competed with 2500 other girls and was among the 6 six finalists.
Since then I entered the artistic world, I traveled all over the country dancing AXÉ (musical rhythm of our country) and doing shows on several TV stations.
At that time I had a really exciting life, I was amazed with the success, with the artistic world, it was finally possible to help my family financially.
Things that people usually dont know about you?
Diná Oliveira:
- I like even numbers
- I love candies
- I have claustrophobia of closed places
- I’m a sweet, calm person, but if they piss me off, I get really mad.
What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?
Diná Oliveira: We donate tithe of everything I receive, I am speaking financially. The way I see the world and people, the way to deal with it make me unique.
I make 2 lemons to make a lemonade. The ability to not give up in the face of difficulties and I always try to do the best in my work with excellence make me unique.
I want to have a beach or country house in my life, travel abroad, visit several countries including Greece, USA, France, Italy, among other.
What are your diet preferences, physical appearance, sizes and measurements?
Diná Oliveira: I keep fighting the scales because I really like to sit down to eat, I eat with my eyes. I like to taste beautiful, well-prepared and well-presented dishes.
But, I know very well what is good for your health: grilled foods, fruits, vegetables, lots of water and physical activity almost daily.
What Expert Advice would you like to share with the readers about professional and social field of life?
Diná Oliveira: Study, prepare yourself as much as possible, with courses, post graduations, study languages, prepare yourself to face the fierce world. Nobody will put a hand on your head, the professional world is cruel and if you’re not prepared, the world doesn’t care about that.
What are your social media handles and links?
Diná Oliveira:
My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvgTZXyR4H60eM9jHlJWMuw
Instagram: @dinaoliveiraoficial
TikTok: dinaoliveira83

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.