Bridgette Matjuda is self-employed with various paid hobbies and interests and she is the founder and owner of Bekezela Matjuda Publisher’s. She is also a branding coach, social media strategist, influencer and spiritual lightworker for the kingdom of the Heavenly Father. Which also means that she is in full time ministry doing charity work and community building.
TheCelebrity.Online Magazine has recently interviewed Ms. Bridgette Matjuda for our cover interview feature and below is the Q & A session we had with her.
Bridgette Matjuda As Cover Feature Interview – TheCelebrity.Online January 2023 Magazine Edition
Tell us about your book and what was your passion behind the idea?
Bridgette Matjuda: The full title of my book is as follows: When Married Life “lifes” You…Take your POWER back!
I wrote my book in three months – It was a birthday gift to myself and my small contribution to the world in an attempt to reduce the divorce rate. Each year, I challenge myself to do something outside of my comfort zone in order to grow and learn more about myself. Last year I entered a beauty pageant and this year I authored and self-published my first book ever. Also, I didn’t use a cent out of my own pocket. My book literally paid for itself with the pre-orders.
Just to share more about my book: It is a collection of short stories based right here in our beautiful country, South Africa. There’s nine stories in total for the nine provinces of our country. Each province has a couple and they go through various challenges in their marriages. The names of the husbands is the name of the provinces and the names of their wives are the capital cities in each province. Then the names of their children are the names of the other cities within that province.
So the first story is of Gauteng who is married to Johannesburg. Their children are Pretoria and Midrand. At the end of each chapter I share various organizations that can assist couples with various challenges that they may have.
The 10th and last chapter includes prayers, marriage tips, advice and recommendations.
I’m currently running a #ReadForANeed charity drive in partnership with #MveleleNaMaitele. Certain proceeds of my book sales will be going towards ensuring that the less fortunate have happy holidays. In addition to monetary dinations, we are also receiving donations in the form of toiletries, clothes, canned food, school shoes and uniforms, stationery, books and anything else that would assist our fellow brothers and sisters.
My book is R350 including delivery to your nearest Postnet or Pep store of choice. I pray over each autographed copy. Honestly, you’ll NEVER be the same once you’ve done reading it.
Childhood to Adulthood – How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things you remember?
Bridgette Matjuda: I’m blessed with many talents. So growing up was a smooth transition for me. It happened naturally. My parents are pastors and are in full time ministry as pensioners but we’ve always been close. They have always been supportive. Any time I felt stressed from the books and my studies, I would draw, turn to gardening, get involved in youth or church events. I remember that my parents and I wouldn’t always agree on the curfew time which was resolved when I moved to res at University. That helped a lot! The good is that I also worked while I studied from the tender age of 15. I was a Kumon Maths and English Assistant after my school classes ended. Then I was a Sales Assistant at Queenspark in Brooklyn Mall after my varsity classes. I was also a Spur waitress at some point as well. So I learned to have multiple streams of income from an early age. My parents did very well indeed!
Struggle – What hardships you faced during your life?
Bridgette Matjuda: I think this clip explains it well:
Things people usually don’t know?
Bridgette Matjuda: I’m multi-talented and I think out the box. I’m allergic to negativity and I stay away from toxic people or situations. I’ve written poems, designed clothes and can sing exceptionally well. I’m also well versed in the love and war of silence. The list is endless.
What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?
Bridgette Matjuda: First and foremost: I am me and no one else can be.
Secondly: I challenge myself to grow and to get out of my comfort zone daily. So I learn a new skill and try something new daily.
Thirdly: I make decisions that are good for my overall well-being and wellness – Not just good for my mental health but also good for my spirit, soul and body.
Fourth: I maintain an attitude of gratitude. Regardless of the situation I may find myself in, I always focus on the silver lining of every cloud.
Fifth: I genuinely want everyone to win.
Sixth: I learn from everyone, anything and everything daily. There’s no room for ego or pride.
Seventh: Also, I am my own competition. So I work hard daily to outdo my previous results.
What are the major Upcoming Events & Unforgettable Moments or products/services that you want to promote/inform our readers about?
Bridgette Matjuda: I am still working to finalize that so I’m unable to mention any of it at this point. However, your readers can keep with me on social media where all will be revealed at the appointed time.
What are your diet preferences, physical appearance, sizes and measurements?
Bridgette Matjuda: I dabble between Veganism, Vegetarianism and being Pescatarian – Depending on how I’m feeling.
- Shoe – Size 5
- Height – 1.53 m
- Clothing size – Medium
What ‘Expert Advice’ you want to share with the readers about professional and social field of life?
Bridgette Matjuda: Not everyone uses social media for good reasons so one has to be careful at all times.
People such as thieves, human traffickers and hackers are always busy, especially at this time of the year so be very cautious online. Here are some do’s and don’ts:
1. Don’t share the location of your home, school or workplace. In other words, avoid “check ins” online. If you must, then check-in when you are no longer at that location.
2. Don’t post pictures of your new place, new car, new job, new investments, new relationship etc. Not everyone is happy for you or wants you to win in life. Some people go as far as using witchcraft out of jealousy and hatred. So don’t fuel it. Such people won’t know what to attack when they don’t know what’s happening in your personal life.
3. Don’t post pictures of your children – Especially not when they are in uniform. Don’t participate in those back to school trends and prizegiving awards ceremony pictures of your children. Human trafficking is real. Drug dealers are also always looking for such opportunities.
4. Do share job opportunities, uplifting and motivational messages.
5. Do share prayers and positive affirmations.
6. Do participate in competitions to win prizes and get involved in giveaways.
7. Do share community building projects and events that can assist others with great money-making or growth opportunities.
Your social media links and whatsapp number?
Bridgette Matjuda: Following are my social media links;
- Facebook – Bridgette Matjuda
- Instagram – @queenbekezela
- LinkedIn – Bridgette Matjuda
- Twitter – BriMatjuda
- Email – br**************@gm***.com

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.