Tlou Evelyn Mabusela is well known as Dr Eve based in South Africa from a small village called Ga-Lebelo. Not a PhD holder yet but because she is very ambitious and vocal about her future plans, those around her already call her Dr. Eve because they know she execute anything she has planned. An introvert by nature and an academic at heart.
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela is currently on her last year of masters degree in engineering management from the University of Pretoria. Professionally, she is an Operations Training Officer for a water utility organization. Ms. Tlou is responsible for creating and promoting a learning environment for employees and bringing about balance between organizational and individual development needs in the water industry.
TheCelebrity.Online has recently interviewed this wonderful figure about her journey of life and below is the Q&A session we had with her.
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela As Cover Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online Magazine January 2023 Edition
Childhood to Adulthood – How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and
what good and bad things you remember?
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela: Not a very smooth and sweet transition for someone who was raised the military way and attended a school where my mom was a teacher. My mom is a Deputy principal and taught me back in primary school. I got a lot of hitting both at school and home, that in a way shaped me into being a well-behaved child. My dad is a former soldier and was very hard on us (3 siblings, an elder sister and 2 younger brothers).
My mom is not strict at all but we had to abide by my dad’s rules. We were not allowed to watch TV after 21:00h during the week until we hit 16 years, my dad would randomly come check content of what we watched and we ended up not watching TV altogether. The brighter side of it is that I resorted to reading just to pass time and it surely became a habit because I am a bookworm to date. Due to the stringent rules I had to follow, I cannot relate with most of my friend’s childhood experiences. Over and above, I am a loving mother to two adorable boys.
Struggle – What hardships you faced during your life?
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela: For the longest time I had low self-esteem because I am naturally skinny, born and bred in the rurals. I’m from the deep rurals of Limpopo province where a skinny person is perceived to be having ailments of some sort. My friends mocked me a lot and that also contributed to my introversive personality because I preferred being alone. Something I’ve struggled with throughout my teens until varsity.
I relocated to Gauteng province for my tertiary studies, got compliments and model offers because I do have a model physic and a marvelous 1.78 m height. Joined a few modeling agencies and that was the best decision ever because I have since accepted my physical appearance and I bet I am the world’s most confident woman. 2 handsome boys I gave life, retained my model flat tummy without hitting the gym and still on a size 32.
Things that people usually don’t know about you?
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela: I spend a lot of time in a dream land, imagining my future and planning on how I am going to attain all the things I wish for. I am not very patient though and get easily frustrated when things are not going as planned. My partner is the only person who knows that very well and doesn’t like that about me. Furthermore, I am a very quiet person but can quickly switch, especially when I feel I am being taken for granted. Lastly, if you happen to go on vacation with me just know that I will need a day to spend in bed mid-vacation.
What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela: Career wise, I have multiple qualification from various universities and that assisted me a lot in moving from one position to the other. I hold a National diploma and a B-Tech in Water Care from Tshwane University of Technology which granted me entrance to a 3 years graduate program as a Process Controller. A year into the working environment there were gaps I have identified which led me into pursuing a B-Tech in Operations Management from the Vaal University of Technology. I then secured a permanent post as a Process Controller 2 years into the graduate program.
An year into the position I got promoted to a Process Quality Advisor, where I have also identified gaps in my knowledge and skills and then furthered my studies to Honours in Engineering and Technology Management from the University of Pretoria. 2 years into the position I got promoted to a Water Process Supervisor, and for me to sharpen my supervisory skills that is when I enrolled for masters in Engineering Management from the University of Pretoria. I am yet to complete and already promoted to an Operations Training Officer. Continuous learning is the recipe, it truly worked for me and that goes to life in general.
What are the major Upcoming Events & Unforgettable Moments or products/services that you want
to promote/inform our readers about?
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela: I cannot wait to hold my PhD in leadership from the University of Pretoria and formally be addressed as Dr Eve. I get very tempted at times to pursue other masters programs such as masters in Water Management from IIE MSA and masters in Water Quality Engineering from the University of Cape Town, but lets get the Dr Eve part over and done with first.
For the readers information, when I am academic free, I plan to write a book addressing the struggles women in Shift work are encountering, a very tough journey I have gone through for 7 years. It became harder when I had kids and fought day and night to secure a normal 8h00 to 16h00 job so that I can raise my kids and put them to bed every single night and I surely did. My current masters mini-dissertation addresses Shift work downsides and I have realised it is way deeper than it seems due to possible un-reversible health consequences it comes with. Be on a look out for that book, I am Dr Eve and I make it happen, hahaha.
What are your diet preferences, physical appearance, sizes and measurements?
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela: From someone who had recently undergone cholecystectomy for gallstones removal, I am very cautious when coming to the kind of food I consume. Not easy but anything oily and acidic are a no-go area for me. I have a fast metabolism and frequently snack on fruits. Before the procedure I had no restrictions to my diet since I am naturally skinny but I cannot stand sweet stuff. I am 1.78 m tall, weighing 61 Kg with a size 32 waist.
What Expert Advice would you like to share with the readers about professional and social field of
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela: The level of your knowledge is determined by the people and things surrounding you, be selective of the things you are exposing yourself to and never stop learning. From the social life perspective, do what feels right for you and never surrender to societal pressures and expectations. I am saying this because I am in a cohabitation set up and raising our two adorable boys (3 years and 1 year old) with my partner whom I have been with for 10 years, I frequently get asked when are we tying the nod.
It is always people whom your situation has got nothing to do with them asking. My family is very much aware because we sit and talk about life and what is has to offer. We are not planning to take that route, should we happen to do it, it would be because we wanted to, and not on any other people’s expectations. “Life has no formular after all’ and I am a firm believer of that quote.
Your are your social media links?
Tlou Evelyn Mabusela: I am Tlou Mabusela on LinkedIn and Tatum Mabusela on Instagram.

Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.