Tim Kirsch was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with him.
Tim Kirsch As Cover Story – January 2024 Edition
How do you introduce yourself?
I’m a Holy Spirit-led minister, singer, songwriter and saxophonist.
Childhood to Adulthood – How was your transition from childhood to adulthood and what are the bad and good things you remember?
My transition into adult-aged life was as a gigging musician studying music and business in college. My niche became being a white boy who could sing pop/r&b, while also playing across the spectrum of genres on sax. I learned a lot about music in playing along with the best in the local music scene. I gradually became more spiritually curious, seeking out what truth is, and started integrating some of what I thought I knew into songs.
My desire for knowing what was spiritually possible here on earth took the forefront of my focus. As I was seeking truth, I started having vivid and seemingly accurate experiences. I didn’t realize that what you are tickled into believing can be fuel for deceiving spirits to keep you in a strong delusion. 2 Corinthians 11:14 became very real to me. Thankfully, the bad has turned around for good. Being in that deception that many refer to as being psychic or new age resulted in me imparting false teachings, and forsaking many people for something far less than what God had for me.
I see my transition into adulthood as when I broke free from the control of people, devils, selfishness, and ways of the world; and turned to the wisdom of God in Christ, allowing Him to reveal truth, righteousness and love to me and through me.
That transition started when I experienced the pure holy powerful unmatchable presence of God at a church, along with stronger supernatural testimonies and character in the people that was a huge contrast in comparison to the best the world has to offer.
Struggle – What hardships have you gone through in life?
Trying to wash one hand and not the other. Literally, have you ever tried it? But also, a lot of hardship I’ve gone through has been harder because of not fully confronting something I needed to see resolved in my soul. A little leaven goes a long way. I believe we can have peace at all times, even when the hardest things happen, but we have to let the Lord renew us, holding nothing back from Him.
The most recent situation that stands out is when my young pregnant wife had a heart attack last year. Sometimes we aren’t honest with what’s unstable or shakeable within us until something unwelcome comes. I’ve seen the Lord do more tangible miracles than I can recount, and I hear His life-giving voice every day, but I was still shaken in my soul more than I realized I could be. People are a most precious gift, especially the family that God gives you.
We had already received a scare (and miracle!) concerning our unborn baby girl, bills had doubled, and I needed to lose work (and sleep) to take care of my family. There was some leaven of fear that I allowed to stay in my mind that produced stress, and I began seeing my body act up in various ways. Reader, there is always grace available in the hardest times, but we have to receive it His way. Without writing a book on it, I’ll simply say that we were reignited in laying hold of the life, faith, and authority we have in Christ, and by His grace, we are all doing well.
What do people usually not know about you?
Before discovering my passion through music, I used to want to be Bruce Lee. I already loved martial arts, but his film-character often portrayed something similar to faith – a knowing that he was unstoppable.
What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?
There’s plenty of room to be your God-ordained self. Whether I’m doing smooth jazz, pop, cross-over, worship or anything else, I’m doing it with a heart of worship. I love being led by the Spirit of God, and experiencing His presence and kingdom being revealed when releasing songs from the heart.
What are your upcoming major events?
Leading God’s sheep into the knowledge of His love! As a recording artist, I’ll soon be releasing songs with Emerged Music that I hope point in that same direction.
What are your food preferences and physical attributes?
I enjoy sauce and sweet and spicy things. Thai food has become a favorite treat!
Your love life, relationships and family?
We are all the offspring of God, dearly loved by Him! Those who do the will of the Heavenly Father become born-again family. I cherish my wife Kelry, and 3 children, Eliana Maci, Miciah Levi and Stella Noelle.
What expert advice would you like to give?
You are sound. There is a sound within your sound impacted by what you yield your soul to. When you give your soul to the Lordship of Jesus, your spirit is born-again of the Spirit of God and can receive things of the Spirit of God. The more you know Him, and thereby the things of the kingdom of God, the more of those truths are released through you, and released in your sound.
Your social media handles and website links?
- Instagram: timkirschmusic
- Facebook: officialtimkirsch
- TikTok: tim.kirsch.music
- Youtube: @timkirschmusic
- https://www.timkirsch.com

Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.