Tanecia Britt: An Outstanding Filmmaker | DMVIFF Opening Submissions for Filmmakers
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Screen gems begin to fill their treasure chests with tools to help them articulate the pictures that reel through their brain at several points in their life.

It’s the ‘how’ and ‘why’ that bring about each idea differently. Tanecia Britt is a talented film maker.

Her pictures are an endless flow of ideas through her hands and eyes, portrayed with more sentiment than what can be discerned in actual life.

Tanecia Britt: A Filmmaker

Tanecia Britt grew up watching films and instilling imagined life into inanimate objects. Once it became apparent that producing images were inherently within her design, following film was the desired objective for college. 

Britt proclaimed herself as an assistant director and production assistant. It was when celebrity photographer Donna Pernell shared insight into the inner workings of the industry

Under the direction of Eyal Sivan and Haim Bresheeth, she found a reason to take her time with filmmaking. Her creative drive to succeed opened a niche for Internet films. Not only this, she started to market herself on the web.

DMVIFF’s Mission

DMVIFF’s mission is to sustainably expand, discover and improve the cinema talents. Moreover, DMVIFF  delivers organized knowledge and resources connected to the cinema, motion pictures, and emerging technologies.

DMVIFF 2022 – Submissions Open for Filmmakers

It not only uplifts but also benefits talents by bringing them every feasible purpose. Moreover, it includes potential emerging opportunities in technology, media, transportation, community and more. DMVIFF is for the talents, communities, emerging opportunities and resources of motion pictures.

Learn more about her at:

