Song Review: “Atlantis” by Asher Laub
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Released in July, Asher Laub’s original track, “Atlantis,” continues to attract the audience’s attention. This is a song sure to please fans of violin music, as well as those who would like to see violinist push boundaries. Additionally, anyone looking for an upbeat instrumental with a mythical sound led by electronic violin will surely enjoy this song as well. It is also accompanied by a three-minute music video that gives this song a beautiful visual representation. 

“Atlantis” is a wonderfully performed piece that showcases the extent of Asher Laub’s talent as a violinist. He proves that he can play it with ease at both a slow and a fast pace and manages to vary the tempo as the song progresses to keep listeners interested. Listeners may also come to interpret the tempo of various portions of the song to correlate with how Asher Laub wants them to feel in that given moment. By combining his iconic violin playing with a drum beat, Asher Laub has created a song that should prove to be a classic with his fans while also opening him up to new audiences. 

Watch the music video on YouTube ( To listen to “Atlantis” on Spotify, visit this link ( To learn more about Asher Laub, visit his official website ( You can also find Asher Laub on Instagram @asherlaub ( Finally, you can help fundraise for this single by buying shares and earning through royalty streams via this link ( 

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