Sofia Carvalho was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online and below is the Q&A session we had with her.
Sofia Carvalho As Cover Story – October 2023 Edition
How do you introduce yourself?
Hi I’m Sofia Carvalho. I’m 12 years old. I’m originally from Portugal but moved to Ireland when I was 3. My hobbies are:
- Gaelic Football which I play for my school team and for the Naas team
- Ninjitsu which is a Martial art and I have been doing it since I was 3 and I’m now 2 belts away from black
- Acting & modelling
- I also used to do horse riding, roller blading Irish dancing and drama.
What best and bad things do you remember from your Childhood?
I loved growing up! The good thing about growing up is the freedom to do more things. The bad thing is the amount of responsibility that comes with that.
What have been your hardships by now?
Making friends at the start of primary school, homework and school work, some sports/hobbies, and believe it or not eating. I didn’t like eating at all.
What do people usually not know about you?
People don’t usually know that I do acting and modeling. I’ve starred a few short films, I did some voice acting to dub the lead role in a feature film and have my debut feature film lined up for next year which will go to the cinemas around the world at the end of next year. I have a YouTube channel and I’m on Instagram, Spotlight and IMDb. People also don’t know that I have written a book and that it is available on Amazon. It’s called “Murder of Three”.
What sets you apart from others?
What I think mostly sets me apart from others is that I’m a very dedicated and hardworking person and am usually very committed to things once I have started them.
What are your major upcoming events?
My biggest upcoming events are probably that I will be shooting a feature film with a famous Italian director called Bruno Pischiutta early next year and will be in cinemas all around the world.
What about your family and friendships?
I have many great friendships that I wouldn’t trade for anything. Moving from primary to secondary was a big change but I loved that and I have met many new people and made many new great friendships. At home I have my wonderful family that I love and would not trade for anything EVER.
What are your food preferences?
I love Portuguese cuisine because it reminds me of when I was little and lived back in Portugal. I also love Indian foods because they have a mixture of spicy and savoury which I find very yummy.
What will be your expert advice?
My advice is to just keep at things until you get good at them and don’t give up. Keep practicing because everyone has to start somewhere. Stay dedicated to things that you start and it will help you a lot in life.
Your social media handles and links?
- Instagram @itssofiafrcarvalho
- YouTube https://www.youtube.com/@sofiaafrcarvalho
- IMDb https://imdb.me/sofiaafrcarvalho

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.