Sergei Tcyrulnikov Exclusive Interview – ‘Believe In Your Business, Work Hard Without Any Fear’
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Sergei Tcyrulnikov was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with him.

Sergei Tcyrulnikov Cover Story Interview – July 2024 Edition – TheCelebrity.Online Magazine

How do you introduce yourself?

My name is Sergey, I am a multiple world record holder in strength numbers, a continuer of the traditions of Kazakh strongmen. I realized my strength quite early, when I realized that true strength is your Belief in yourself and your thoughts. 

How was your childhood to adulthood transition?

I had a difficult childhood. I lost my father early, we lived poorly, we never had any money. We had a small farm (chickens, a cow, ducks) which I looked after and worked a lot. My life changed when my father died when I was 11 years old. 

I lost my father, we were left with my mother and younger brother, it was very difficult, we ran out of money and I had to grow up at the age of 11, become strong and be a support for my family. 

What hardships did you face in your life?

There were many difficulties in life: the loss of my father, financial difficulties, I worked a lot at night at construction sites, unloading wagons with cargo. But I have always strived to develop and learn. My pride is my ability to be an example of not only strength but also spirit, to lead and be a leader for many. Among the strength indicators, this is to be the first in iron bending. 

What do people usually not know about you?

People see strength in me, but they do not know that for more than 10 years I have been helping children from villages and providing for them. I help those in need. 

During this time I provided for more than 50,000 thousand children in the country and gave homes to many. 

What makes you unique from others and motivate you?

God gave me my strength so that I could help people around me. I work hard on myself and I have powerful energy. What motivates me is that people look at me and are inspired by my actions, they want to become better and stronger, this is motivation. 

What are your upcoming events and plans?

My next goal is to get to America, where I want to demonstrate my skills to my fans and teach them the “isometric” training system to open the door to super strength for everyone! Now I’m preparing for the next stage of the “America’s Got Talent” show. I’m also working on charity projects, I want to help as many children as possible. 

Family and Friends?

My close family friends support me in my career. At the beginning of my journey, they didn’t believe in me….. but after my records, everyone supports me. 

What are your food and physical attributes?

I eat a lot of meat from the national dishes of my country. I also prefer Indian cuisine. My height is 190 cm and my weight is 135 kg 8). My workout looks like in the system of isometric exercises this is static tension of the ligaments. This is a system for training special units. With the help of such training, anyone can become SUPER STRONG! 

What will be you Expert Advise?

Believe in your business, go to the end without fear or doubt, and everything will work out. 

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