Mikayla McClain, the “DO U BOO” CEO and Founder of The KMARIE Project – Exclusive Interview – Story Behind Success Of Her Clothing Line
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Mikayla McClain introduces herself aka KMARIE Ceo of The KMARIE Project and the “DO U BOO” Expressive clothing collection. Mikayla McClain’s latest interview with TheCelebrity.Online is presented below:

TheCelebrity.Online: Childhood to Adulthood – How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?

Mikayla McClain: My transitions were not all pleasant. A bad one was the death of my great grandmother whom I adored with my heart and soul. She meant more to me than anything during my childhood. She was my strength when my parents divorced.

She comforted me through some difficult moments as a child and made everything feel like it would be okay, so when GOD took her home my life shattered and from that point on, I have been trying to piece it together. It is has only been the past couple of years that I have been growing into my own and doing a lot better.

TheCelebrity.Online: Struggle – What hardships have you faced during your life?

Mikayla McClain: The “Who am I” struggle. Just trying to find my place in society and life.

TheCelebrity.Online: Things that people usually do not know about you?

Mikayla McClain: That I design wigs, I can do amazing make up jobs and that I have an extraordinary singing voice. I just want people to love what I created for them and myself and understand I am you and will always be. My clothing line speaks for me, for us…and the multiple characters we have to be in life.

TheCelebrity.Online: What makes you different from your competitors in the industry and life?

Mikayla McClain: My story, My drive and my choices. Our collection speaks volumes. It speaks to and for the voiceless individual that may lack confidence or the words to let you know they are here.

The KMARIE Project created the “DO U BOO” line which mixes, Comfort clothing i.e. Super Soft cotton Hooded sweatshirts and T-Shirts from Australia with embossed lettering that you can see from a block away and then at night it glows in the dark, so even the most shy or soft spoken person will get their point across, loud and clear.

We also have a denim experience with custom patch jackets that show the expressive side of you, then we have hand painted distressed shorts and flower jeans that are accented with Swarovski Crystal Center buttons that offer that extortionate wow factor. We have multicolor swag bags for the on the go you. You can say we have the complete lifestyle brand collection.

TheCelebrity.Online: Family & Affections – Talk about your family, friends and loved ones?

Mikayla McClain: My Dad, who I love immensely, he is my coresupporter. This project started out as a Daddy, Daughter project as his way of him helping me with my self-esteem and confidence issue.

My baby Brother who I love unconditionally,my defender and who is my listening partner but not afraid to tell me when I am wrong in a nice way. My Mom, who gave me the drive to do anything and be anything. My step-mom who is my ride or die is my social and comfort support.

She gives me structure but always gives me whatever I want…to an extent. My step-brother, my big heart who is always there no matter what, to support, to talk, my protector, to listen to be a shoulder to cry on. My friends…my circle is on point, they are extensions of me and support whatever I do, that’s why I can do this and whom I will do the same for them.

TheCelebrity.Online: Lesson learnt in life – What are the lessons you learned so far in your life?

Mikayla McClain: Trust those that are worth trusting.

TheCelebrity.Online: What is your biggest achievement that you want to share with the readers?

Mikayla McClain: There are so many but for now being listedat 17 years old in the 20 under 20 most successful designerscategory by CBS.

TheCelebrity.Online: What are the major Upcoming Events & Unforgettable Moments or products that you want to promote/inform our readers about?

Mikayla McClain: The up and coming events would be featuring my line in the new sitcoms and movies coming out this year. The 2022 and 2023 fashion shows. You can always look out for and support my new line DO U BOO Limited, it is asheek, alluring and lavish look. This simple sexy appeal look is a definited win win.

Visit www.thekmarieproject.com and @thekmarieproject for any up and coming events.

TheCelebrity.Online: What kind of people do you love to interact why?

Mikayla McClain: The extraordinary, because their spirit creates a new breath of air.

TheCelebrity.Online: What ‘Expert Advice’ you want to share with the readers?

Mikayla McClain: I started saying it…DO U BOO, Be your own beautiful and no one can love you like you.

TheCelebrity.Online: What is your contact Email and social media links?

welovekmarie@thekmarieproject.com    @thekamrieproject

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