Michael Vaccaro Exclusive Interview – ‘Don’t Let People Crush Your Dreams’
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Michael Vaccaro was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Michael.

Michael Vaccaro As Cover Story Interview – January 2025 Edition

How do you introduce yourself to our readers?

Hello. My name is Michael Vaccaro. I’m an actor and screenwriter, living in Los Angeles, California. 

Describe your transition from childhood to adulthood. What are some notable experiences or achievements that stand out?

I grew up in New York City, and began working as an actor at a very young age. I don’t know where that came from. Maybe I brought it from another lifetime! But I knew from the very beginning that I had to be an actor and performer. I began in theatre, which is still my greatest love. Being in film is amazing, of course, but there is truly nothing like being on a stage, connecting with your fellow actors and the audience. There are moments I’ve had on the stage that are truly spiritual, where I’ve lost myself and become part of something higher than myself. It’s magical. 

I think my greatest achievement in my career has been a TV show that I created, wrote, produced and starred in called “Child of the ’70s,” an homage to the TV sitcoms I watched as a child in the 1970s. I got to work with some of my childhood idols, and I sold it to Amazon Prime. That was a hugely encouraging and empowering experience for me. 

What hardships have you faced in life, and how did you overcome them?

The most difficult experience for me was losing my husband some years ago. He suddenly fell ill, and he was gone within days. Years of grieving taught me many important lessons, the most important of which is that everyone has a story, everyone has experienced trauma of some kind or another. We have no idea really what anyone is going through on any given day. The death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or a terrible financial disaster, whatever it happens to be. So, the key to life is to be kind. Every day. To everyone. I try to smile when I pass people on the street. I try to say hello. The tiniest thing can brighten someone’s day. We’re all going through it, so I try to be there for people whenever I can. 

Resiliency is another thing. I realized truly how strong I am. If I take life a day at a time, sometimes a minute at a time, I can get through it. I can be happy. When my husband died, I didn’t think I could ever experience happiness again. But I realized that would be a disservice to him, to spend the rest of my life sad and depressed. He wouldn’t want that for me. I still think about him every day, but I’m filled with joyous memories and deep love. That’s one of the many gifts he gave me. 

What’s something people don’t know about you?

I’m a singer, as well. I grew up doing musical theatre, and I had a recording contract for a while. You can find my first album, ARCHANGEL, at https://www.amazon.com/Archangel-Michael-Vaccaro/dp/B000056NZ6 and many other music platforms. 

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?

Right now, I very much want to live in Europe – of course, Italy would be my first choice – and work there as an actor. I’d like to really shake things up, experience the next act of my life in a brand new place, with a brand new language, meeting new people… what sets me apart maybe is my desire to have every day be a wonderful adventure, to always keep growing and changing and evolving. As an actor, to go deeper. As a political activist, to learn more, to help more. 

What are your upcoming major events, projects, or releases?

I have two series about to be released here in The States: “Vampire CEO,” (I get to play a vampire, finally!), and “The Billionaire’s Matchmaker,” a dramedy, playing the father of upcoming superstar, Jeff Violette. I really want to work more in Europe. Currently, my favorite directors are Zeno Graton, Ferzan Ozpetek, and, of course, Almodóvar. There’s a young actor, Khalil Ben Gharbia, who I think is magnificent. It would be a dream come true to work on a project with him. I’ve written a Fellini-esque screenplay that I would LOVE to do with Ozpetek. 

Share your food preferences and physical attributes (e.g., height, hair color, etc.).

I’m Italian, so, of course, I LOVE to eat! A day without pasta is a sad day. About six years ago, I became a vegan, and that’s a little difficult in certain places in the world, but mostly I do OK. Definitely the way to my heart is through my stomach. 

I think my hair is an interesting story. My hair went white when I was in my early 20s. I fought it for years, dyeing my hair back to its original color. I thought, no one is going to hire me as an actor with this white hair! It wasn’t until just a few years ago, when I finally just got tired of hair dye all over my bathroom walls, and decided to let it go, and embrace it… and it turned out to be a huge gift! The response has been overwhelmingly positive, and I work all the time now. I love it! A real lesson for me in accepting your true, authentic self. 

Would you like to share anything about your love life?

I’m currently single. So, I’m on the look-out! Intelligence is sexy. So is a sense of humor. And compassion. If you’re rude or nasty to your waiter in a restaurant, then we won’t be a match. Honesty, of course. A feeling of safety, also, knowing that you can be your true, authentic self with your partner. Probably many other things, as well, too much to get into here.

What expert advice or words of wisdom would you like to share with our readers?

If you’re an actor or writer, or anything creative, dancer, singer, artists, etc., my advice would be to NEVER give up. Don’t let people crush your dreams. People will always tell you to stop, move on, do something else. Don’t listen! The thing that has kept me going so long is this: the idea that, if I were to give up, maybe that BIG BREAK was coming the very next day, and I miss it. I think there’s always something more to do, something more to learn, some other way to get in the door. Every day is another opportunity. Keep moving forward, no matter what! 

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