Max Marchuk was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with Mr Max.
Max Marchuk As Cover Story Interview Feature – TheCelebrity.Online February 2023 Edition
How do you introduce yourself?
Max Marchuk: My name is Max Marchuk, I live in the Republic of Belarus and work in the style and fashion industry. I am a designer and fashion model, hairdresser, and also the head of many fashion projects. I devote my free time mainly to self-development (reading books, boxing, fashionable haircuts). My goal is to show the World that even in such a small country as Belarus there is style and fashion.
How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things do you remember?
Max Marchuk: I was brought up in a family where my father was a military man, and my mother was a kindergarten teacher and the transition to adulthood was almost at 12-13 years old. As a child, I spent a lot of time studying, as my parents were very much involved in me and my upbringing. In my family it was not acceptable to drink alcohol, smoke. Therefore, from early childhood I began to get involved in fashion and at the age of 16 I began to actively teach and teach people how to dress properly.
Struggle – What hardships have you faced during your life?
Max Marchuk: The hardest work of my life was the battle with myself. My peers were very different from me, they preferred to live on vacation (holidays in clubs, smoking, alcohol and girls), I, in turn, was immersed in the future and often thought “Am I doing the right thing …?” After a while, I met people who were like me and motivated me to do more. I realized that I was moving in the right file.
What things people usually do not know about you?
Max Marchuk: Everyone knows me as a person who solves problems, not creates them. I always treat all people with respect, even if they don’t deserve it. I am a leader in the company, who keeps up the conversation on any topic and, of course, is not deprived of female attention. Although at the moment I can’t combine my personal life and I have it, I’ll say that all the girls who know me are always glad that people like me are with them.
What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?
Max Marchuk: Every day I create a model of clothes and select clothes that affect the interests of the younger generation. My goal is to make fashion accessible to everyone. In life, I am a very versatile person.
What are your major upcoming events?
Max Marchuk: I want to create in the future a Global clothing brand that will use high-quality clothing and give it away for free to the needy, the poor, large families and homeless people in order to play more kindness and smiles in this World. It may sound silly, but I believe that it is much more than just money.
What are your diet preference and physical measurements?
Max Marchuk: In fact, I am not a supporter of proper nutrition, I usually eat what I want, but it is important to understand that if you ate a lot, then you need to go in for sports. My height is 188 and weight 77, athletic build. Each person is individual, but I believe that there are no ugly people, there are lazy people who do not want to take care of themselves.
What expert advice would you like to share?
Max Marchuk: I want to give some advice to readers. “Never think that you are smarter than someone.” “Always dream of the impossible, to live a dream is what it means to live. Life without a dream strikes us with laziness and depression.” “Always do good for people – it will return to you threefold.” “Remember that you can’t get attached to people. Anyone can stab in the back.” “Always be yourself, but work on your fears.”
What are your social media links?
Max Marchuk: Instagram handle –@thezyzzofficial

Jose R. Harwood is a the author and editor of TheCelebrity.Online and expert in Entertainment Industry working with TheCelebrity.Online Magazine – You can reach R. Harwood via Contact page! – Read more on our About Us page.