Chesney Claire Exclusive Interview – January 2025 Magazine Edition
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Chesney Claire was recently interviewed by TheCelebrity.Online Magazine and below is the Q&A session we had with her.

Chesney Claire As Cover Story – January 2025 Edition


Hi guys, I’m Chesney Claire. I’m currently 23 years old and I have been creating music since the age of 15. I’m Originally from Southwest Louisiana, but I snuck over to the West Coast for years making music and being closer to music/film makers. Now being an “established artist”, I decided to move back to my hometown in Lake Charles, Louisiana where things are more familiar. The options to make music are still there. I have owned my own record label for years (Red Twenty-Five Music Group) formally known as Zeiss Records. I simply am continuing to create in my studio and can work remotely with people all across the globe. I’m a Singer; a Songwriter. I’m a Music Producer, and an Engineer. I’m also an Actress, and a Print Model. When I’m not entertaining, I work as a Budtender at a Medical Marijuana Dispensary.

Childhood to Adulthood: Describe your transition from childhood to adulthood. What are some notable experiences, challenges, or achievements that stand out?

Childhood to adulthood has been an amazing journey filled with many hard times and lessons. Life is a roller coaster ride and I have definitely been on that roller coaster. My older brother, Matthew passed away in 2016 when he was 23 and I was 15. The loss of my childhood brother/best friend changed my life. It made me grow up a little quicker emotionally and made me also realize how fragile our lives are. This only pulled me closer to my mother (who divorced from my domestically abusive father just 4 years earlier).

She had never anticipated working in the music industry until I told her that’s what I wanted to do after graduating high school. She took me to my first recording studio in Branson, Missouri soon after and also taught me how to write songs when I was first beginning. I overheard her in a radio interview not too long ago say, “I taught her how to write and now she out writes me!” I have taken the grief I’ve experienced and turned it into something beautiful. Feeling everything so deeply, making music gives me the perfect outlet. The music I write helps me heal and my goal is also for my music to be an outlet for others. I have had numerous people approach me and say, “Your song changed me life.”…And with that comes a huge sense of accomplishment. 

Struggle: What hardships have you faced in life, and how did you overcome them?

Losing my brother was definitely my biggest loss and after that, I lost both of my grandparents. I was devastated at a young age honestly and I realized at a very young age that you can either be hurt and completely changed for the worse or you can take these kinds of experiences and accept that it is part of your life path, and change yourself for the better. I like to think that I changed myself for the best. I use what God gave me as an outlet for myself to let go of the unfamiliar thoughts in my head as melodies for people around me who might happen to feel the same way. As someone who had gone through so much loss, I looked for answers to my hurt in other songs, and I wanted to speak to people the way I was spoken to and comforted via music. I kept myself “Distracted” (pun intended) from the hurt by creating things that I hoped people related to. I’m a self-professed Empath. I love people.

Since I am only 23, I am actively overcoming adversity. Seems like that’s all there is sometimes, you know?

But we get through them. 

I remember a time in life where it was just my Mom and I and she was physically hurt by my abusive father. We’d open the curtains in her bedroom every morning and she would say to me, “See? We made it another day.” ..And we kept opening those curtains to reassure ourselves that life was continuing. We did that until we didn’t have to anymore.

What’s something people usually don’t know about you?

I can say all of the United States in alphabetical order and I can call an alligator! LOL🤣

Music has helped me in many ways, but the most random way it stuck with me was through learning “Fifty Nifty United States” by Ray Charles in my music class in elementary school. It’s my favorite thing to show when someone asks me what my hidden talent is.

My mom is a professional photographer and when I was growing up in Louisiana and as a result, we had a lot of pictures of alligators and marsh animals. We’d visit the Creole Nature Trail often. I was always the “designated alligator caller”! I could call them right up to the car!

Another thing is that I was in the Gifted Program all throughout my school years. I’d leave via the “special bus” during the day and head over to another school where I’d learn in an advanced classroom setting. I did that my whole life and graduated with a 3.8 GPA. I got a full ride academic scholarship to LSU, but because of the death of my brother and other family members, I realized I could not give more school my full attention so it was then I chose to make music full time.

What sets you apart from your competitors in the industry and in life?

I’m from one of the most soulful places in the country. I have grown up on a wide variety of music, making my own music a bit of what I call a “gumbo” genre.  I’m very versatile when it comes to performances and genres of music. 

I love secular music but I like to throw an Ode to Jesus in there every once in a while.

While I do like a good collaboration, I love saying “I did this myself”… I learned how to write, and to date, I’ve written over

300 songs. I then learned how to produce my own vocals and have got that down to perfection. I’m never FULLY satisfied unless what I am hearing out loud sounds like what I am hearing in my head, so I learned how to produce my own backing tracks as well. I used to be very into making YouTube videos of myself when I was younger so I had knowledge of editing that I used for editing most of my music videos that I have out now. I am very driven and love to be able to do it all myself from the lyrics, to the backing track, to the direction of my own music videos. 

I am what some call a “Triple Threat” in the entertainment business.

I am a Singer. I am a Songwriter. I am a Producer and I’m an Engineer. I am also a budding actress with a handful of movie roles already and I’m a Print Model. I have been on the cover of at least 8 Music/Fashion Magazines and I’ve been featured in more than 20 magazines over the past few years.

What are your upcoming major events, projects, or releases?

  • I just released my very first Original Christmas song “Cold In December” and I’ve been promoting that recently.
  • I got to work with Multi Platinum Producer David “Rain” Banta (Disney/Sony Music) on that project.
  • I have enough music in my vault to make a really stunning album so I’m thinking that’s my next project.
  • I have some interest from a few Producers in Nashville, so I am anticipating a cool collaboration sometime soon.
  • As I mentioned before, my music catalog is quite massive, so I’m actively trying to figure out what to do with everything I’ve created. I have some very interesting ideas!
  • I MAY be dabbling in a more “Pop Country” type of sound soon… but we’ll see what happens!
  • Actively looking to perform at fairs and festivals all over the country.

Share your food preferences and physical attributes (e.g., height, hair color, etc.), if you’re comfortable doing so.

I’m 5’7″ but 5’10” in try favorite heels 🙂 I have been a blonde for most of my life besides a few moments that I needed a switch-up. I’ve done the “Cowboy Copper” look, red, Platinum Blonde… I like to switch it up! My favorite food is anything Cajun…or sushi. Nothing like an AYCE sushi bar! Can’t wait to have a massive Crawfish Boil soon!

Would you like to share anything about your love life, relationships, or family?

My love life is a sore subject. 😂 I don’t have any relationships that last long, really. As soon as I start to date, my “significant other” usually understands right away, the significance of my music career- (both where I’m going and where I’ve been). My last experience ended after only 3 weeks. At some point, I usually hear, “This music thing that you are doing….I’m not cut out for that.” I find it funny; a great way to separate the boys from the men! Most are jealous of the guys in my music videos or jealous of professional Photoshoots. Some have actually asked me, “ You’d actually kiss a man on a movie set??” You’re dang right I would!!! Once I get those vibes from a guy, that’s usually it for me. A really big turnoff. Thing is, I’m not desperate for a man. When the right one comes, I’ll know! Until then, I’m gonna keep snuggling with my Boston Terrier, “Baby”. She’s the love of my life 😉

What expert advice or words of wisdom would you like to share with our readers?

You need to feel the emotions that make you human and use them to help you make decisions on what steps you will take next. If you find something you love that silences the static, then do it…and do it a lot. Be the best you can possibly be at everything you do. Learn everything you can about the things that bring you joy and use it to help other people. Whether that’s in music, cooking, photography, or anything else. The more practice you get, the better you will be at it also. I learned everything I know about music by trying different things and watching videos and trying more things until I felt like it was right. Life is “trial and error”. Never remain “stuck” anywhere. Live life to the fullest!!!

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