AFM Special Report – The Creators Behind“INHERITANCE”
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TheCelebrity.Online Magazine recently caught up with the innovative team behind “Inheritance”. Dive into our captivating Q&A session below.

Meet The Masterminds: An Exclusive Interview with the Creators of “Inheritance”

Introduce yourselves and tell us about your role on your new movie Inheritance?

Emily: Hi, I’m Emily Moss Wilson. I directed Inheritance and was also one of the producers.

Austin: My name is Austin Highsmith Garces, I came up with the idea for this movie in an acting class with Rachel. I also starred as “Paige Forester” and was one of the producers on the film as well.

Rachel: My name is Rachel Noll James, I wrote the script for Inheritance, was one of the producers, and starred as “Lucy Kemp” in the film.

Inheritance, had its world premiere this year at Dances With Films and has been receiving a lot of attention.

Can you tell us about the genesis of this story and what the film is about?

Austin: Rachel and I were in class together as well as sharing a role onstage at our theatre when she suggested we should play sisters in something, and I told her I had an idea for a movie about an older sister being out of control and the younger sister always having to take care of her. And that’s where the story of Lucy and Paige was born!

Rachel: The film is about two estranged sisters who are reunited when their father passes
away, and forced to confront a sea of resentments, unspoken traumas, and secrets long kept hidden.

Emily: I was sent a draft of the script very early on in the process. When I read it, I was immediately drawn to the story as a sister and as someone who has seen family inheritance complicate relationships. The story illustrated a unique sibling dynamic that I hadn’t seen explored much in film and television, and I was excited to see Rachel and Austin bring these two sisters to life.

What challenges, hardships, or lessons have you experienced in life that have inspired you and your work?

Emily: For me personally, it’s been difficult to navigate a career in directing as a mother of young children. The time away from them, the logistics of childcare, and the stress of providing for my family in a job and industry that is very unstable. But at the same time, my children have allowed me to see the world through their eyes, and they’ve opened me up more emotionally. I’m grateful for the lessons they teach me daily!

Austin: The main thing that inspires both my acting and writing is trying to find the humanity in each character and their “reason why” they behave the way they do. I’ve gone through a lot of personal challenges that help me understand why a certain character in a story may act out or be afraid, which always helps me find my “way in” so I can relate to them on some level.

Rachel: So much of the creative work in this business is waiting for other people to offer you opportunities to do your art. And that caused a lot of stress, disappointment and confusion for me in the early years. Ultimately, that frustration lead me to stepping in to generate my own projects and opportunities which has charted the course for my career.

What do people usually not know about you?

Emily: I started out as a performer. I traveled around in a van with three guys and performed sketch comedy shows at various venues across the country.

Austin: People are often surprised to learn that I was a Fine Art major and I’ve written and illustrated a children’s book, and also that I was a Stand Up Comic for several years.

Rachel: I was a professional swing dancer when I was in high school.

What sets you apart from your colleagues in the industry and in life?

Emily: I’ve often been told that I’m easy to trust, which I believe comes from my desire to be as authentic as I can. I also think that I bring a good balance of work and play to everything that I do. I like to make things fun, and I love to laugh. Laughter helps bring people together and humor can be a valuable tool, for example, as an icebreaker or to add levity to a tense moment.

Austin: I don’t like to think of myself as being set apart in the industry as this business has to be so incredibly collaborative in order for anything to work. I do think that my strong work ethic is something that I’ve really tried to cultivate to be different than how others may approach their careers.

Rachel: I have a perspective no one else has, as does everyone else! And I don’t see that as a bad thing, I see it as the beauty of art and storytelling. We all have a unique perspective and bring our own special magic into the mix. And when you think of it that way, there is room for every perspective because no two experiences are alike.

What upcoming events are you excited to share?

Emily: I’m developing a few TV shows that I hope will come to fruition. I’m also writing a feature script that tells the true story of my in-laws’ honeymoon in the 1970s. I’m eager to get that movie made!

Austin: I have several scripts floating around out there that I’m hoping to find a home for, the most exciting of which is the film adaptation of my children’s book which is a true story about what happened to me as a child.

Rachel: My production company, Emergence Films, which produced Inheritance, is in the process of launching a philanthropic program to support early-career female filmmakers. And my directorial debut film “Ingress” is currently available to stream on Amazon Prime in the US!

What expert advice would you like to offer?

Emily: Always do your best work no matter the size, scale, or budget of the project, be a good person, and collect the other good people along the way. I’ve tried for years to figure out the algorithm to success, and I think it’s just that — a lot of hard work, integrity, and solid relationships.

Austin: Stay humble and treat every job like an opportunity to learn and grow instead of thinking “This is going to be the thing that makes me successful and famous!” That kind of expectation can really damage your spirit. And I always tell my students that the only thing you can truly control in this business is how hard you work.

Rachel: Remember that the process is the prize. If you fall in love with the process, then you will enjoy every day you get to do the work. If you are too focused on outcome you can lose that joy and forget why you loved it in the first place!

Your social media handles and website links?

Emily: My website is www.emosswilson.com and my social media handles are IG @emilymosswilson and Twitter @emosswilson

Austin: My website is www.austinhighsmithofficial.com and my Instagram/Threads is @iamoyster_austinhgarces

Rachel: Websites: www.rachelnolljames.com, www.emergencefilms.us, and instagram is @rachel.noll.james