Latrisha Redmon is also known as Fee-Fee because her auntie looked at her when she was a baby and said, “hmmm, she looks like a Fee-Fee”, so the nickname stuck with her.
This wonderful lady Latrisha Redmon is a multifaceted woman. Her profession is a Licensed Massage Therapist, however, she is also a singer/songwriter/musician (drums/acoustic guitar).
She is a photographer, spoken word artist, motivator and one who looks to inspire those she meet through various other gifts and talents. Latrisha Redmon is the owner of Fee-nomenal Music, where she host and promote various music and awareness events. And Fee-nomenal Therapeutic Massage, which is her massage therapy practice, where she love assisting individuals on their self-care journey.
Latrisha Redmon As Cover Story Interview – TheCelebrity.Online January 2023 Edition
Childhood to Adulthood – How was the transition from your childhood into adulthood/teenage and what good and bad things you remember?
Latrisha Redmon: Growing up in a house with a father as a pastor and my mother as the first lady, was a journey of its own. Having somewhat of a strict upbringing in church oftentimes felt like punishment, but it did open up my awareness to God. So, for that I am grateful.
As a child and teenager, those years shaped my view of who I was/am. Having to honor my preferences in life and going through mental and spiritual turmoil was a lot. But I eventually settled within myself and with God, that I am simply who I am.
One of my first experiences with bullying was in middle school. I had to wear hand-me-downs because I’m the baby of nine kids. So, my parents couldn’t always afford to buy us new clothing. So, one day I wore my big sister’s orange overalls to the first day of middle school. I had to cuff the bottom because they were long.
As I’m standing in line, here comes a girl with a few other girls with her, laughing and pointing at my overalls and the cuffs. That was the ultimate embarrassment to have that done to me in front of so many onlookers. It had me full of insecurities. That day began a mental hardship of comparison, having to look the part, be the part, so I wouldn’t be pointed out like that again.
Struggle – What hardships you faced during your life?
Latrisha Redmon: Bullying, low self-esteem, comparison and financial hardships. Many occasions in my life I found myself fighting. Fighting to survive, fighting to be seen and fighting to be heard. One major hardship was when I lived in my studio. This space didn’t have all the necessary amenities one would need, i.e., a tub/shower, kitchen etc. I would take “bird baths”, or go to a friend or family member’s house to take showers and cook a meal, besides just eating fast food or microwave meals.
Being in that place and barely making enough money to survive, made me want to just give completely up on everything. But one day, I felt inspired to go to school for massage therapy. I was 35 at the time and hadn’t been in school since graduating high school in 1999, so that was a big transition for me. I cried in class, in the restroom, in the car and to my friends, because that was a hard journey to embark upon.
But through perseverance and determination, I graduated at the top of my class, passed my certification test the first try and was blessed to get a job right out of school at one of the best spas in my city. Since then, God has been letting me see the rewards of my hardwork and determination. I always say, #ItsOnlyUpFromHere!
Things that people usually don’t know about you?
Latrisha Redmon: People usually don’t know that I’m very silly. I absolutely love to laugh and enjoy life. Also, most may not know that, although I am known to many in my city because of being a musician, etc., but I’m really an introvert. I sometimes struggle with being around people/ large crowds for too long. I’d rather go back into my quiet bubble to recharge in the comfort of my home.
What make you unique from your competitors in the industry and life?
Latrisha Redmon: I believe what makes me unique, but also maybe even the same, is my passion to pursue my God-given purpose. I’m always looking for “God moments”. Meaning, how can I uplift, encourage and inspire those I come into contact with? How can I point them back to God? So many people feel hopeless and left alone, but if I can incite hope by utilizing any of the gifts God has given me; then I’ve done what I was purposed by God to do.
What are the major Upcoming Events & Unforgettable Moments or products/services that you want to promote/inform our readers about?
Latrisha Redmon: Stay tuned for upcoming events by visiting my website at www.itsfeenomenal.com. One unforgettable moment in my life was when I came in 2nd place at a local talent show by singing an original song of mine called, My Eyes. In the years of the competition, they had never had anyone sing an original tune, so they didn’t know if the audience would accept it.
Once I finished and was walking off the stage, the host called me back on stage and encouraged the audience to vote for me. She was moved by my song and so were those in attendance. That night proved to me that it’s perfectly fine to be my unique self. And to be bold enough to step away from the morm of covering somebody else’s songs on stages like that. That my originality is enough. To date, I have a single out on all musical platforms called, Dancing in the Rain. Just search for Fee-Fee Redmon, Dancing in the Rain. I pray it uplifts you.
What are your diet preferences, physical appearance, sizes and measurements?
Latrisha Redmon: In 2017 I adopted the diet of being a pescatarian. Although I struggle with my chicken cheat days, I enjoy the change in my eating habits. Becoming a licensed massage therapist was the cause for the change. I want to make sure I am healthy enough to be able to serve my clients for as long as I can.
What Expert Advice would you like to share with the readers about professional and social field of life?
My expert advice would be to find out your purpose in life and walk in it. Each of us are uniquely, fearfully and wonderfully made. What you have to offer the world is valuable and needed. Don’t allow fear, doubt or comparison to paralyze you from walking in who you are and what you bring with you. Learn, grow and build. You have everything it takes to fully BE…so just BE!! You are enough!!!
Your are your social media links?
Latrisha Redmon: Follow me on
Facebook; Latrisha “Fee-Fee” Redmon
IG: @iamfeefeeredmon
TikTok: @iamfeefeeredmon
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/latrisha-fee-fee-redmon-4a1a2aa4

R. Harwood is the writer and editor in chief of TheCelebrity.Online – Read more on our About Us page.